Questions on Card Game

By Sythlin, in Anima: The Card Game

Hey guys!

Wanna say thanks for giving me time to ask questions.

1. So first question is about the plot card that lowers the Area he is in by 1. So if he is in a Level 2, the area is lowered to a Level 1. Does that plot card effect the mission that has you go up against 6 encounters and makes the area equal to a Level 3 when you pull the encounters? So which card over writes which card? Kinda confusing on the order. So would the mission still stay at a level 3 for the encounters or would it be lowered by 1 due to the plot card?

2. When a player starts off the game and dies and only has 1 character, is he just expelled from the world is his character dead and he needs to put his card into the discard pile and pick out a new character? Also when someone dies with a party, unless its greater then 5 in combat dmg, he still keeps everyone in his party but is expelled? Not much explaination of this topic of death to party members and I hear a couple different explainations which are kinda different.

3. How many arcane characters can a player have? Am I able to keep recruiting Arcane Characters as long as I keep dropping 1 character and 1 Advantage card to recruit them, in total having 4 arcane characters in party? Also do they go in the character pile shuffled or are they in the pile by themselves and shuffled? I would guess they would be seperated.

4. What do you use the 10 sided die for....still can't find a use for that lol. I got the Anima BGaE.

Well thats all I can think of right now, so thanks for your time!


Hey Syth

Well, I'm kind of new to the game too but this is how i interpret stuff. I may be wrong though, but this is how my group plays the game.

1. Plot cards and any other card effects (unless stated otherwise, such as the Advantage Card "Unholy Force") cannot affect Mission Cards. So in the example you gave for question 1, the Area will still be considered Level 3 for the Mission ONLY. So any other encounters outside of the Mission (such as when you explore) will be Level 1 due to the plot card.

2. When a player with only 1 Character has their only Character killed, that player discards that Character and moves his party counter off the area (thus being expelled). That player (who now has no Characters) does not draw any Characters yet, they draw a new Character at the start of the next Reset Phase. For the second part of the question, I'm not too sure what you mean by "Also when someone dies with a expelled?". I'm not sure what you mean by this but I think I know what you are saying, correct me if I am wrong though. So I think you mean "when someone is DEFEATED with a party...", so yeah, in the case with a Combat difference of 5 or greater, the losing party must discard 1 of their Characters (unless some other card effect prevents it, such as the Advantage Card "Inhabitants of the Waste") and then they are expelled from the Area. If the difference is 4 or less, the losing party is expelled from the Area with none of their Characters discarded.

3. I'm not sure how many Arcane Characters you may have in your party because I couldn't find it in the book either but my group plays with 1 Arcane per party/player, mainly due to balance/fairness issues. And yeah, like you said, the regular Characters and Arcane Characters are in their own respective seperate decks and discard piles.

4. The 10 sided die is used to keep track of the count down timer for the Crisis! on the Final Mission Cards. For example, if the Final Mission has a Crisis! 8 Turns then change the 10 sided die to 8 and at the end of every Exploration Phase, decrease the 10 sided die number by 1.

But yeah, this is how my group plays, which could be wrong. So if anyone find any errors with my explanations, feel free to correct me. Hopefully this help!

- TiredOfThis

In the rule book of BGaE it states that you may only have one arcane character in your party. Its on page 4 under the subtitle Characters and Parties. "A party can be composed of a maximum of four characters; three normal characters and one arcane character."

Don't mean to double post, but before this is asked or missed as well. On page 5 under the subtitle Arcane Characters it states that "as, a special rule, Arcane Characters cannot be expelled during the reset phase, although they can be killed normally. In otherwords you can't just discard them to recruit another one if you get one you don't like the one you get, but if you lose a battle by 5 or more or have to let a character die you can choose the arcane character to be the one who is discarded in this instance.

Hey guys,

Thanks very much for your input on all of these rules, my groups just started playing so we have been running into a lot of kinks and keep checking the book for more information, and due to wording, certain things weren't clear. Thanks again guys and happy playing!
