Hey guys!
Wanna say thanks for giving me time to ask questions.
1. So first question is about the plot card that lowers the Area he is in by 1. So if he is in a Level 2, the area is lowered to a Level 1. Does that plot card effect the mission that has you go up against 6 encounters and makes the area equal to a Level 3 when you pull the encounters? So which card over writes which card? Kinda confusing on the order. So would the mission still stay at a level 3 for the encounters or would it be lowered by 1 due to the plot card?
2. When a player starts off the game and dies and only has 1 character, is he just expelled from the world is his character dead and he needs to put his card into the discard pile and pick out a new character? Also when someone dies with a party, unless its greater then 5 in combat dmg, he still keeps everyone in his party but is expelled? Not much explaination of this topic of death to party members and I hear a couple different explainations which are kinda different.
3. How many arcane characters can a player have? Am I able to keep recruiting Arcane Characters as long as I keep dropping 1 character and 1 Advantage card to recruit them, in total having 4 arcane characters in party? Also do they go in the character pile shuffled or are they in the pile by themselves and shuffled? I would guess they would be seperated.
4. What do you use the 10 sided die for....still can't find a use for that lol. I got the Anima BGaE.
Well thats all I can think of right now, so thanks for your time!