
By mixykym, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

can a hero spend a fatgue point during the overloads turn to drink a healing potion between being attacked ?

or are fatigues points only during hero's turn ?

mixykym said:

can a hero spend a fatgue point during the overloads turn to drink a healing potion between being attacked ?

or are fatigues points only during hero's turn ?

Only during the Hero's turn. Page 18 of the rulebook

Spending Fatigue for Movement: At any time during a hero’s turn , he may spend one fatigue to gain one movement point, even if he is currently taking the battle action. This may be done as often as the hero desires. Movement points gained in this manner are spent just like normal movement points.

The way that word is written, I came up with another question: Is there anything that prevents Talia from drinking during her interrupt? and If not, does this mean she can drink on her turn and again on the OL's turn?

Rajamic said:

The way that word is written, I came up with another question: Is there anything that prevents Talia from drinking during her interrupt? and If not, does this mean she can drink on her turn and again on the OL's turn?

Somewhere, lost in the dim mists of prehistory, was an FFG reply that states that Talia actually gets MP equal to her Move when doing her special guard action. She can spend those MP any way she likes (including to drink a potion, open a door, open a chest, etc etc...) She can't spend Fatigue to get more MP because it is not her turn, even though she is 'acting'.

As to whether she can therefore quaff potions at twice the rate that other heroes can?
IMO, yes, certainly. The limits on potions are one each turn. One in her turn and one in the OL's turn does not break this limit.
For further confirmation, compare with the usage of Feats which are limited to one per turn for each hero. That has been discussed here before and the general resolution is that it thus means it is technically possible for a hero to play 5 feats between the start of his turn and the start of his next turn (actually, hand size aside, 8 would be possible). One in his (1st) turn, one more in each other hero (1st) turn, one more in the OLs turn, then one more in each other hero's (2nd) turn before starting his own (2nd) turn again. Hand limits, Feat triggering conditions, turn order etc allowing of course...