Promo characters!

By HellBoundOL, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey any ideas on how to get a hold of one of the few promo characters for DESCENT? full mini and character card... think they might have a few laying around the shop?..... if so FFG please send!!!! (even though 38 characters now is enough, i'd like more)

Perhaps E-Bay may have something.

Does anyone know what the other promos are named/what they do/etc? I have only seen the Nara the Fang one, but everyone says there are like 4 others. Is there pictures or text for these mysterious other ones anywhere?

Mattr0polis said:

Does anyone know what the other promos are named/what they do/etc? I have only seen the Nara the Fang one, but everyone says there are like 4 others. Is there pictures or text for these mysterious other ones anywhere?

There are 3 others besides Nara the Fang. You can see their cards in this thread . Be advised, that their hero abilites are translation of Spanish (Jonas and Kel) and German (Tobin) and might not be 100% accurate. Especially Kel, whose ability ranges from what we translated to he basically being able to get LOS for attacks or spawning through anything shy of walls, boulders and doors.

Awesome! Thanks Big Remy!