Discarded Item Cards

By EchoingZen2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I could not find anything specific in the rulebook about what happens with discarded item cards. I assume you shuffle the item cards into the deck after they are sold/dropped. We had a situation where we had sold an item for gold, and when we purchased a new item, we got the same dang item.

Did we play that right? Or can we leave the sold item out until we are done with our shopping? (Don't get me started about buying random items, so weird.)

With normal town equipment, I see no reason you wouldn't just pick and choose.

As for buying chest equipment in town, our group has always shuffled each stack before we begin playing, and any of that gear which is sold or dropped gets put on the bottom.

Rajamic said:

With normal town equipment, I see no reason you wouldn't just pick and choose.

As for buying chest equipment in town, our group has always shuffled each stack before we begin playing, and any of that gear which is sold or dropped gets put on the bottom.

For the normal town equipment, we did pick and choose. I like that method of handling the chest equipment, seems right to me. Only thing that gives me pause is that for the skill deck, it requires you to shuffle the deck after you get the new skill. I'm just a little puzzled on why there is nothing in print on what to do.

Dropped items are "lost forever," which suggests to me that they should be returned to the box, and never reshuffled. I certainly wouldn't assume that you're supposed to shuffle cards back into the decks instantly without any instruction suggesting that, and the difference between returning it to the box and putting it on the bottom of the deck seems unlikely to matter outside of RtL. Skill cards are never discarded except when redrawing skills at the start of the game, where there is a specific instruction to reshuffle.

As far as selling, it doesn't appear to say anything at all. It seriously doesn't even say that you lose (or discard) the item when "selling" it, just that you can "sell" items for half their cost. When I started playing, I took this to mean that sold shop items are returned to the shop's inventory, while dropped shop items and all treasures were discarded, but there's nothing specifically to support that, AFAICT.

Heck, an argument could probably be made that sold treasures go in the shop's inventory ( not the treasure deck) and can be purchased (non-randomly) for the standard treasure value (250 for copper, etc.). You are selling it to the shop, so putting it into "the shop deck" seems like a completely reasonable guess at what should happen, and all items in the shop deck may be purchased for their value...

Interesting points... and now I am slightly more confused on what to do from when I first posted. :-)

EchoingZen said:

Interesting points... and now I am slightly more confused on what to do from when I first posted. :-)

When you drop an item (you have too much with you and you want to equip/carry something else you just found), this item is lost forever. This effectively means you can put it back in the box (or on a discard pile) as you won't be able to use it in the same game again.

The only exception are the relics (if i recall the name correctly), which have a token to place on the dungeonfloor where you drop it. These items can be dropped but not lost.