I busted a dozen Shadowar packs about 2 weeks ago and when I went to trade one of them, the foil on "ascending Zepher" started to peel off. Today I was sifting through my rares and touched my "Hammer Uppercut" and it too was starting to peel off. I've never had this problem before and was wondering if any one else had experienced it or if theres any way to ensure quality issues like this dont happen again.
Shadow war or peeling shinies
Were they stored in an unsuitable place?
I've never heard of this happening with UFS cards before, how odd... Nothing like this has happened to anyone in mine or any neighboring playgroups.
Same here ive never had trouble with my shinies. Where are you storing them?
I can actually confirm I've seen this to a lesser degree myself. Thankfuly it doesn't appear to be too commonplace. It shant be an issue in the future anyway.
Well, although I had stored them in a hot car for a day, it was only an issue on a few Shadowar cards. honestly, i'm not terribly worried about it, I just thought it was odd, since i had never had the problem before.
I haven't had any problems with my shadoWar stuff, and I bought like 3 boxes.
8 boxes of Shadowar and no problems.
If you are particularly concerned, I would contact FFG customer support. I don't know if they can replace specific cards for CCGs, but they are very on the ball about other bits and components (figures, cards, chits) for the rest of their gaming line-up.