I reckon the entire community would of turned to ArcLight for their KH cards if FFG were still making us wait for set IV.
Things about Set 4 that make me laugh.
Trothael said:
Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:
If we don't get the next set in about a year, then I will boycott FFG, just like I do now with Presspass and their treatment of 24. FFG, you're in this until ALL the cards have been printed. Now get to work.
Base set: Released December '07
Set 2: Released 4 months later
Set 3: Released 3 months later
Set 3 was held back for almost half a year
Sora_Yagami said:
Trothael said:
Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:
If we don't get the next set in about a year, then I will boycott FFG, just like I do now with Presspass and their treatment of 24. FFG, you're in this until ALL the cards have been printed. Now get to work.
Base set: Released December '07
Set 2: Released 4 months later
Set 3: Released 3 months later
Set 3 was held back for almost half a year
I think that set 4 has been 8-10 months in the waiting if I am correct. not a whole year.
I had that whole Hey I'm getting an SR in every pack syndrome. Then when I finished opening my box I put all cards in muemerucal order and realized with one box I got the entire Set. I laughed at that.
Another thing is that the Merlin in set 4 says hes from traverse town but the traverse town symbol is the same as the hallow bastion one. So which does he belong too?
Sora_Yagami said:
Trothael said:
Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:
If we don't get the next set in about a year, then I will boycott FFG, just like I do now with Presspass and their treatment of 24. FFG, you're in this until ALL the cards have been printed. Now get to work.
Base set: Released December '07
Set 2: Released 4 months later
Set 3: Released 3 months later
Set 3 was held back for almost half a year
Bakya...Aye, you're right.
This one I actually had to go to FFG for the answer on this. I was very confused...
The combo I see. It should work, but the cards overrule themselves:
Card 9 (Roxas) states: "Only Twilight Town Friend Cards and "Samurai" Nobody Cards can be used as Friend Cards with this card."
Now say I want to equip Oathkeeper to Roxas (who can be treated as Mysterious Boy), Oathkeeper states: "When a "Kairi" card is in your Friend Area, you can equip this card to a "Sora" or "MB" card.
Kairi isn't a Twilight Town Friend, she's Destiny Islands so she will never be in Roxas' Friend zone, thus making it impossible to equip Oathkeeper to Roxas.
Turns out the only time you'll be able to equip Oathkeeper is at the beginning of he game with Roxas' ability.
Getalinks said:
This one I actually had to go to FFG for the answer on this. I was very confused...
The combo I see. It should work, but the cards overrule themselves:
Card 9 (Roxas) states: "Only Twilight Town Friend Cards and "Samurai" Nobody Cards can be used as Friend Cards with this card."
Now say I want to equip Oathkeeper to Roxas (who can be treated as Mysterious Boy), Oathkeeper states: "When a "Kairi" card is in your Friend Area, you can equip this card to a "Sora" or "MB" card.
Kairi isn't a Twilight Town Friend, she's Destiny Islands so she will never be in Roxas' Friend zone, thus making it impossible to equip Oathkeeper to Roxas.
Turns out the only time you'll be able to equip Oathkeeper is at the beginning of he game with Roxas' ability.
Hayner allows roxas to equip Oathkeeper as well.
Ah, the fun readin's of Japanese 'n English. Where we read what they say as what they're really not meant to be read as or applied as.
Oathkeeper's card text is really meant to state somethin along the lines of: Oathkeeper can be equip'd to both Sora 'n the Mysterious Boy. Oathkeeper can only be equip'd to Sora if Kairi is in your friend area. Blah blah life gain blah. (Or that's how I read it to be, since it makes sense this way)
Hayner is a come-into-play effect which will help Roxas if a card ends up discardin an equipment card (Air Pirate, persay). I'd actually would like a rulin insomuch to figure out if you could just equip Roxas without Hayner's effect, since the wordin on Oathkeeper is all mess'd up. Oblivion is pretty clear, though. Discard a card, go equipment bonus!
Things that make me laugh :
Ansem's text is cut off
Wisdom Form - sorry FFG " damageyou" is not and never will be a word! LOL
Someone try to read Hydra's text.. im
Dragoon "No Xardin Card"
HAW lv 1
Samuria- " If you player is "
BIGGEST ONE: Triton and Ariel are from Atlantis and the heartless are from Atlatica !!!! (However i dont think this effects gameplay..does it?)
BDC said:
Things that make me laugh :
Ansem's text is cut off
Wisdom Form - sorry FFG " damageyou" is not and never will be a word! LOL
Someone try to read Hydra's text.. im
Dragoon "No Xardin Card"
HAW lv 1
Samuria- " If you player is "
BIGGEST ONE: Triton and Ariel are from Atlantis and the heartless are from Atlatica !!!! (However i dont think this effects gameplay..does it?)
Actually, I believe that the text for Samuria is correct, since it is looking for that name of the card. It's like saying, "If your player card is Bigrax (LOL, had to say it), or If your player card is "Roxas", and so on and so forth.
As for reading Hydra, I can read it. If they have Herc the Jerk, he is -5pow. If Phil goes to kick the crap out of him, Hydra loses 10pow. If you meet both conditions, Hydra is about as useless as a steaming pile of crap.
As for things that made me laugh, the fact that Samuria is such a beast with Roxas as a 12pow or 12 support for a level 1. Makes Tigger seem like a kitten.
My favorite thing is the fact that the rulings for the cards are determined by a toin coss (or so it seems), when in reality there shouldn't have to be rulings about specific cards because they should say exactly what they mean XD.
Catmaninja said:
My favorite thing is the fact that the rulings for the cards are determined by a toin coss (or so it seems), when in reality there shouldn't have to be rulings about specific cards because they should say exactly what they mean XD.
Talking about the ruling over Diz i assume????
Not really any specific card mainly just wishing that the card's texts were more specific so that there couldn't be 20 different possible interpretations of the same thing, of course there are always those occurances that are unexpected, but it's a little ridiculous when many cards are so misleading.
Catmaninja said:
Not really any specific card mainly just wishing that the card's texts were more specific so that there couldn't be 20 different possible interpretations of the same thing, of course there are always those occurances that are unexpected, but it's a little ridiculous when many cards are so misleading.
There is a Comprehensive Rules Thread good sir. I try to keep it updated and I plan to ask Jaffer to sticky it.
I'm probably going to make a completely updated version of the Comprehensive Rules and Rulings and post it, then ask Jaffer to sticky that one...then I can get back to keeping it updated like I originally was.
Fair enough, just let me know if you need help.
Idk The new King Triton makes me wonder why they put the put down effect, it makes it seem like you have to play it as a Lv2 and then it counts as a lv1 on the field lol
WayToTheDawn said:
I'm probably going to make a completely updated version of the Comprehensive Rules and Rulings and post it, then ask Jaffer to sticky that one...then I can get back to keeping it updated like I originally was.
I'm still curious as to why we're (more specifically, previous MODS) not writin the rules of the game as we were so granted the abilities (I will find 'n QUOTE the said comment) long ago?
the fact that level 1 Ariel gets a card that discards herself and has the additional backdraw of not allowing triton (for some reason) i mean i thought this set might at least attempt to make an ariel deck remotely viable. also the fact that Peter Pan is now a magic/friend, that jack sparrow is essentially a cloud killer [i know pretty much any level 4 but simply the fact that there is increasing cloud hate cards (but no seph hate)], and that Phantom is a heartless version of Alice
oh and not reprinting level 2 donald or goofy, no level 3 jack and only level 3 beast (which will be finished up in the next set hopefully)
Well I see Jack Sparrow as more of a Sephiroth killer cause that is the only thing i use it for besides maybe an auron cause i always have a cerberus or aerith in a deck that will kill cloud, but i get where it was going lol. And Phantom is a heartless form of the old alice, not the new one, cause they gave Phantom the effect of the Old Alice since its who's ever turn it is at there discard phase they discard 1 friend as the new alice says any phase which is awesome lol
Also next set or 2 has more beastly stuff lol
The fact that on Merlin Lv 3 it has the hollow bastion icon yet it says he's from Traverse town. O.o
how bout the new olympia equipment? its the heros crest from kh2 not the olympia from kh whooops
LOL Wow I didn't even notice that, man just shows how long I havent played Kingdom Hearts in a while... lol I still think the most epic one is the Xardin thing on the dragoons lol
Did anyone notice the ,. at the end of the Fuu card,.
how about the fact that the lvl4 goofy looks for valor and the lvl 3 don looks for wisdom but the lvl4 don is the sr that looks for a magic card