A few questions after last nights game.

By edderkoppen, in Android

Hey all,

A few questions came up that I couldn't find the answer to, in the rules/faq. Hopefully someone can enlighten me.

a. How many 'start of turn' actions can be taken? This, I guess, is basically a question of, when is it the start of turn? As a start of turn Light Card still costs a time unit to play, is start of turn until you've moved, or taken a non-start of turn action? Basically, can you play any number of start of turn Light Cards?

ab. How about Dark Cards? When moving, only one Dark Card may be played. Does this limit count during start of turn as well?

b. Who gets to play the first start of turn card? First Player, or Active Player?

c. If a suspect is eliminated, do you remove their testimony leads? It doesn't seem to say so in the rules, though it does seem odd they are still on table - even though it could be interpreted as testimonies against that specific suspect, rather than the suspect itself.


Pretty sure a&b is covered in the rules. 1 light card max AND 1 dark card max per triggering event. Starting with active player and going clockwise.

c. Good question. Dont have the rules with me, but if it isnt in there, I would remove it.