Large Creatures and Tables/Beds

By CuriousGames, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


During our first session of RtL a question came up about how Large Creatures interact with Tables/Beds. Do they ignore the Table/Bed or are they required to pay the two Move and get up on the table if any of the spaces they occupy are also filled with one of those items?



I found the answer in the offical FAQ (page: 2),

"Large Monsters and Terrain
When large monsters move, they can sometimes find themselves moving across hazardous terrain (lava, scything blades) twice as often as other figures. Further, it can often be confusing whether or not beneficial terrain (trees, elevated terrain) should affect a creature only partly standing on it. Use the following guidelines to arbitrate these instances.
When a large monster moves, it suffers the negative effects only of whatever terrain its “front” half enters. For example, if a spider were to move from four clear squares to a mud square, it would suffer a movement penalty. If that same spider were to then move its “front” (i.e. leading) half off the mud into clear terrain, it would not suffer a movement penalty even though its “back” (i.e. trailing) half has just moved onto the mud. A figure receives the benefits of a terrain feature if any part of its base is on that terrain feature. For example, if half of a spider’s base is on a table, the spider is considered to be elevated."

CuriousGames: please see this thread .

The general consensus is that the rule Mortal just linked is a terribly contradictory ruling, and should generally be ignored. Many of us have agreed upon a piece-by-piece listing (including Tables/Beds), which can be found at the thread I linked above, near the bottom of the first page.