preliminary list.

By Sora_Yagami, in Gummi Garage

Sora lvl 1

Valor form x3

Tidus x2
Owl x3
The King x1

Phil x3
Goofy lvl 1 x2
Pinnochio x3
Cid x1
Abu lvl 1 x2

Ariel lvl 2 x1
Will turner x1
Yuffie (BoD) x2
Kairi lvl 2 x1

Jack Sparrow x2

Bambi lvl 1 x1
Tink lvl 1 x1

Event 1 x1

Ultima x1
Oblivion x1

2x Oblivion
2x Kingdom Key

Monstro lvl 1 x3
D. Isles x3
Timeless river x1

Pete x1
Behemoth x2
Cerberus x1
Cage x3

Seems pretty good. thoughts.

Hmm...I think it's a darn good start...

Why no Captain Pete? Your not running a whole lot of search and it's a nice way to control their searching and HP, I definitely think he's a one of at the least. There's more HP loss cards to hit 'em with this set, why not use it? Especially with lots of players wanting to run low level Soras for the Kingdom Key, your gonna have a nice chunk of HP to deal with.

I'm not diggin' the lack of Goofys...three Valors but only two Goofys? Granted, if you lose two of your Valors your probably losing the game at that point, but I think it's still worth it to run 3...that level 4 is good power with a good effect and ONE level 4 isn't going to throw off everything I don't think...

Another Jack Sparrow cause it's so good.

Magic/Friends aren't needed here cause Sora 1 has plenty of HP and with Worlds and Ariel 2, you'll be fine there and One Card, from One Bambi isn't going to be game breaking unless your Yugi, lol. I still think Simba 3 is useful though...but being free to drop an Owl and not worry is a nice idea.

I personally would love to see some Attack Card Combat tricks...I think Fairy Harps work better now as we're not gonna see as many attack cards. But that's just my opinion...they'd be nice in a pinch.

Now it's kind of situational...but why not run Oathkeeper? You've got the Kairi there and Will can fetch it if you haven't drawn it. Just an idea to add some beef.

I'd drop a Monstro for another Timeless River as it could potentially be Phil hate. Granted hardly anyone runs magic anymore but he's still a beefy +6 support that ya don't want to see in the challenge.

I still don't think Parasite Cage is going to be that needed anymore. WR is all but dead and the chances of an aggro getting that high are slim and none. Sure it has a great control ability...but locking someone with Cave of Wonders Guardian can be done against any deck much easier. (I'm also assuming there is still gonna be some heavy Skellington runnin around...if there's not then the point is moot all round...but you get what I'm saying. I'd like to see another Cerberus as well cause he too is really good.

That's mah two cents sir. I definitely like what you've got started here though, good work.