Armada TuckboxCollection

By SirWillibald, in Star Wars: Armada

I don't have any card stock so I just printed the damage boxes on normal office paper. Still worked great, thanks for designing it :)

I picked up some card stock very cheaply on ebay for about £2.50 for 25 sheets. Not sure how well normal paper will protect the ships?

Okay guys, long time no see, been busy designing a dice box, came out great:


You can download it over at BGG or at my new workshop site (you find detailed building instructions there, too):

The site only features most of my Armada stuff at the moment, a lot more to come (X-Wing at first)! You can change to english, hope I didn't translate complete nonsense…

Also did the upgrade card boxes, here's how they look like (german version):


And here's a preview of the last card boxes for Armada:

SquadronCard boxes

ShipCard boxes

Should be ready by tomorrow on (and later on BGG, too).

Edited by SirWillibald

Just stumbled across this thread for the first time. Thank you! These are awesome!

I just finished assembling the Damage Dispenser- I love it! Works great! I can't wait to put it to good use the next time I play. :D

Next up for me: The Dice Tray!

Suggestions for future projects: I would love something similar to the Dice Tray, but for Command Tokens, since you are often cycling through those during a game, especially if Tarkin is leading your fleet. :)

Something for the Initiative/round tokens would be nice. I don't know if this is the kind of project you would take on, but in my ideal world there wouldn't be 6 little round counter tokens, but rather a dial (something like the manuever dials in x-wing) that displayed the round number, perhaps with a place for the Initiative Token to sit atop it.

Anyway, thanks again!

Just stumbled across this thread for the first time. Thank you! These are awesome!

I just finished assembling the Damage Dispenser- I love it! Works great! I can't wait to put it to good use the next time I play. :D

Next up for me: The Dice Tray!

Suggestions for future projects: I would love something similar to the Dice Tray, but for Command Tokens, since you are often cycling through those during a game, especially if Tarkin is leading your fleet. :)

Something for the Initiative/round tokens would be nice. I don't know if this is the kind of project you would take on, but in my ideal world there wouldn't be 6 little round counter tokens, but rather a dial (something like the manuever dials in x-wing) that displayed the round number, perhaps with a place for the Initiative Token to sit atop it.

Anyway, thanks again!

You're welcome, thanks for the praise!

Command Tokens:

Hmm, your suggestions made me think... Know my Foamcore Ship & Card Trays for X-Wing? As they don't fit Armada (ship card too big) I tried to do something like this but made from cardboard only. Here's prototype number one, only a few hours old:


Slightly different than for X-Wing, more ramps than slots (much more easier to build with cardstock), but even quite sturdy due to multiple layers of cardstock. Clearly shows the status of your ship (available defense tokens, active command tokens) and gives a home to all dials. Going to attach two card trays for upgrade and damage cards to the left and to the right, which fold on top when empty, so it can be stored away easily. In the end you have a concrete physical representation for each ship next to your battlefield. It works great for X-Wing (see link above), my boys love it, it helps so much to avoid clutter and keep everything organized.

Worth to continue work on this one? No, I won't be bored without this additional task... ;)

Still don't know what to do with the round tokens, for now a standard dice works fine. Like we say in germany "Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat"...

Love the look of the ship card tray!

those look Great!

Built the Dice box, and very happy with it. :) I do have a few suggestions, if you're looking to improve it at all. I offer these suggestions up not by way of criticism or dissatisfaction, but because I can tell you put a lot of effort into making all of these tuck boxes and trays and microhangers as perfect and awesome as you can. ;)

  1. The fact that the front of the trays raises up a bit, creating a sloped tray for the dice to sit in, threw me off while I was assembling it. Once I figured it out it was fine though. A little bit more clarity in the instructions would still help, IMO.
  2. The cardstock didn't quite come all the way together at the back of the dice trays for me, leaving a bit of a white gap in the back bottom corners of the trays. Not really a big deal, but you could probably fix that by making one side or the other of the wall reinforcement cutout a bit longer, intended to fold and glue underneath the other end. Hopefully that makes sense. If not, basically, my finished box kinda looks like the 5th picture on your Dice Box Instruction page, by the paragraph that starts with "It’s time for the reinforcement from sheet 2." See that little white gap in the bottom back corners? That's what I mean.
  3. It would be nice if the side flaps of the lid were reinforced too, just because the whole dice box sits right on them when opened.

Worth to continue work on this one? No, I won't be bored without this additional task... ;)

Still don't know what to do with the round tokens, for now a standard dice works fine. Like we say in germany "Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat"...

The X-wing foamcore ship trays and the Armada prototype are very cool. Not really my style- but I can definitely see the appeal in them. I think it would be well worth continuing to work on that project. However, once you're done, I would still love some sort of general command token supply bin/dispenser, with four trays to dispense the four different kinds of tokens.

Once again, thanks for these. I can tell you put a LOT of time and work into these projects, and I am very impressed. If you never get around to any of my requests, don't worry, I won't feel bad. ;)

Do you have a specific program that you use for designing them? Or do you just make it all from scratch with lots of trial and error?

SirWillibald you just keep coming up with more and more fantastic ideas. Will the stream of awesomeness never end? Let's hope so....


I never thought I'd enjoy pimping out my games as much as I do...

Built the Dice box, and very happy with it. :) I do have a few suggestions, if you're looking to improve it at all. I offer these suggestions up not by way of criticism or dissatisfaction, but because I can tell you put a lot of effort into making all of these tuck boxes and trays and microhangers as perfect and awesome as you can. ;)

  • The fact that the front of the trays raises up a bit, creating a sloped tray for the dice to sit in, threw me off while I was assembling it. Once I figured it out it was fine though. A little bit more clarity in the instructions would still help, IMO.
  • The cardstock didn't quite come all the way together at the back of the dice trays for me, leaving a bit of a white gap in the back bottom corners of the trays. Not really a big deal, but you could probably fix that by making one side or the other of the wall reinforcement cutout a bit longer, intended to fold and glue underneath the other end. Hopefully that makes sense. If not, basically, my finished box kinda looks like the 5th picture on your Dice Box Instruction page, by the paragraph that starts with "It’s time for the reinforcement from sheet 2." See that little white gap in the bottom back corners? That's what I mean.
  • It would be nice if the side flaps of the lid were reinforced too, just because the whole dice box sits right on them when opened.

No offence taken at all! Your feedback is more than welcome, I'm not perfect at all, I can only get better with the help of you guys here!

1. That shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps you (or another native speaker) can lend a hand with the instruction text for this step? I had a hard time with it and it seems I did not succeed. You can find the whole instructions here , and the passage in question is this:

Put glue to the forward part of the incline flap. It doesn’t matter where exactly you stop glueing, the picture gives an impression. Fold and glue the flap making sure that the narrow leading edge stands vertical to the ground.

2. Hmm, I have to agree that you need to work very precise to prevent this. Your idea doesn't sound that bad, I'll add that to my list!

3. And you're right again, this is an easy fix. I omitted them in the first place because of the wall getting narrower over the way. At some point it can't be folded around anymore that well. I think this one would go better with a cut out reinforcement. My list grows and grows...

Worth to continue work on this one? No, I won't be bored without this additional task... ;)

Still don't know what to do with the round tokens, for now a standard dice works fine. Like we say in germany "Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat"...

The X-wing foamcore ship trays and the Armada prototype are very cool. Not really my style- but I can definitely see the appeal in them. I think it would be well worth continuing to work on that project. However, once you're done, I would still love some sort of general command token supply bin/dispenser, with four trays to dispense the four different kinds of tokens.

Once again, thanks for these. I can tell you put a LOT of time and work into these projects, and I am very impressed. If you never get around to any of my requests, don't worry, I won't feel bad. ;)

Do you have a specific program that you use for designing them? Or do you just make it all from scratch with lots of trial and error?

*switch to list. again...* Noted.

And thanks for the praise, yes, this involves some work and time, but I'm such an boardgame geek that I want to play around with my precious stuff even when no other players are in reach. To be honest, I spent significantly more time on pimping my games than actually playing them...

Regarding program:

For the standard tuckboxes I use this great tuckbox template maker by Craig P Forbes. All non-standard boxes (dice box, dispenser, tray prototype above) are indeed build from scratch. I usually start with an idea in mind, think it through for some time and then start putting components on a blank sheet of paper. Now some old school drawing and measuring with actual pencils and rulers, and after that I draw the first outline in Illustrator, print, cut and glue it. Only to see that I did it wrong.

This process doesn't take that long at all (1-2 hours, after the thinking process), and each time a prototype failed I'm pissed off and put away the whole swearing to give up on that freaky idea. Which I almost never do.

When I'm pleased with the prototype, the final graphic design is done in photoshop. And when that's done, I build one last version, take some photos and make the pdf files. The latter is usually the most exhausting part, because it involves so much dumb draggin and droppin and copy & paste and click here click there... It's a pain in the ass. But it's all worth it just because of comments like yours and:

SirWillibald you just keep coming up with more and more fantastic ideas. Will the stream of awesomeness never end? Let's hope so....


I never thought I'd enjoy pimping out my games as much as I do...

Thanks a lot, without the community I would have stopped long ago. My wife would like that, actually

"Oh, you are building cardboard boxes again? What again was the purpose of this?" ...

"Ah, yes. Protecting little plastic space ships. Hmm, you don't think you could spare a few minutes and [insert stupid task like cleaning, fixing something in the house, drive one of our kids to who-knows-where]?" ...

"No, I see, no WAY you can the let this AWESOME community down. Anybody of THEM going to mow our lawn?" ;)

And yes, pimping board games can be quite addictive...

Where do you live? Next time I'm in the area I'll gladly come now your lawn. It's the least I can do. ;)

Edited by Herowannabe

Hot **** these are great!

I will most definitely having a good look at these when I get home to my computer.

Thanks again, guys!

Here's a little reward, I did it, the final prototype is done (a few minor and barely noticeable things will be changed), even if it's not a real tuckbox anymore (guess I have to open another category *sigh*):


I have to say, this was a tough one, I nearly gave up on it. But now I'm really happy I didn't, my boys already love it and it avoids clutter on the table almost completely. And before someone asks: I put those things sideways, so the upright cards can be read by both players. Active command tokens sit in the slot, inactive ones rest in the large center area with the dials. The overlap is on purpose, this way you can grab the tokens with far more ease.

PDF document will follow once I'm done with the instruction page. It really isn't that difficult, of course a bit more than the simple hangars or card boxes. I would rate the building difficulty a 3/5 (the hangars would get 1/5).

And yes, I know that's Tarkin on the left, who shouldn't be supposed to be on a rebel vessel... Was too lazy to search for a correct card. :)

Beautiful. I can see that assembling this will be tough but... what a reward.

Thanks again, guys!

Here's a little reward, I did it, the final prototype is done (a few minor and barely noticeable things will be changed), even if it's not a real tuckbox anymore (guess I have to open another category *sigh*):

2015-04-30-21.57.33-600x450.jpg 2015-04-30-21.57.42-600x450.jpg 2015-04-30-21.58.03-600x450.jpg 2015-04-30-22.02.13-600x450.jpg

I have to say, this was a tough one, I nearly gave up on it. But now I'm really happy I didn't, my boys already love it and it avoids clutter on the table almost completely. And before someone asks: I put those things sideways, so the upright cards can be read by both players. Active command tokens sit in the slot, inactive ones rest in the large center area with the dials. The overlap is on purpose, this way you can grab the tokens with far more ease.

PDF document will follow once I'm done with the instruction page. It really isn't that difficult, of course a bit more than the simple hangars or card boxes. I would rate the building difficulty a 3/5 (the hangars would get 1/5).

And yes, I know that's Tarkin on the left, who shouldn't be supposed to be on a rebel vessel... Was too lazy to search for a correct card. :)

You have out done yourself!! I have made a few of the other boxes but this one is a masterpiece. Well done!

This is all absuloutely epic papercraft! I'll be joining all of the happy folders out there soon!




(in that order)

This looks fantastic and prompted me to sign up to the forum just to say thanks for all the effort and I look forward to downloading the pdf when it is available :)

Built a Damage Dispenser box last night, works perfectly thanks !

Printed and assembled the damage deck dispenser box and I absolutely love it. I looked for the same for X-wing but couldn't find it. Does the X-wing damage dispenser deck box exist?

No, it doesn't. :(

Not yet, I just invented the dispenser box while working on the Armada boxes, had no time to do an X-Wing version yet. But it's on my list!

Its only damage cards I don't sleeve, but seeing your dispenser box that might change.

Well, I think this counts as success. :)

Assembled one of my own as well, Fox Approves!

Thanks again, guys!

Here's a little reward, I did it, the final prototype is done (a few minor and barely noticeable things will be changed), even if it's not a real tuckbox anymore (guess I have to open another category *sigh*):





I have to say, this was a tough one, I nearly gave up on it. But now I'm really happy I didn't, my boys already love it and it avoids clutter on the table almost completely. And before someone asks: I put those things sideways, so the upright cards can be read by both players. Active command tokens sit in the slot, inactive ones rest in the large center area with the dials. The overlap is on purpose, this way you can grab the tokens with far more ease.

PDF document will follow once I'm done with the instruction page. It really isn't that difficult, of course a bit more than the simple hangars or card boxes. I would rate the building difficulty a 3/5 (the hangars would get 1/5).

And yes, I know that's Tarkin on the left, who shouldn't be supposed to be on a rebel vessel... Was too lazy to search for a correct card. :)

This is absolutely amazing!

Okay, did it, you can download the file for the CardHolder v1.0 and view the instructions right here! BoardGameGeek will get it soon, too.

If you like you can also subscribe for my little newsletter, I think I figured out how to do this (though don't expect too much, it's very basic, just informs you of new additions).

Feel free to comment here or over there, especially if the instructions are unclear in any way. I did my best, but I'm still no native speaker.

Thanks again, guys!

Here's a little reward, I did it, the final prototype is done (a few minor and barely noticeable things will be changed), even if it's not a real tuckbox anymore (guess I have to open another category *sigh*):





I have to say, this was a tough one, I nearly gave up on it. But now I'm really happy I didn't, my boys already love it and it avoids clutter on the table almost completely. And before someone asks: I put those things sideways, so the upright cards can be read by both players. Active command tokens sit in the slot, inactive ones rest in the large center area with the dials. The overlap is on purpose, this way you can grab the tokens with far more ease.

PDF document will follow once I'm done with the instruction page. It really isn't that difficult, of course a bit more than the simple hangars or card boxes. I would rate the building difficulty a 3/5 (the hangars would get 1/5).

And yes, I know that's Tarkin on the left, who shouldn't be supposed to be on a rebel vessel... Was too lazy to search for a correct card. :)

Is there a walk-through on folding this? Just printed it out, and it is kind of Also, thank you so much for the time you put into these! The dispensing deck is amazing, and this is mind-blowing. Vielen Dank!

Yes, there's a detailed walk-through, check the link in my posting above or go here .

I'd actually might change the header "building instructions" to "walk-through", that sounds really cool...

That command bridge is just fecking awesome :) Excellent work.

Thanks very much, a really fantastic effort