Telekinesis (base game)

By snacknuts, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In order to move a figure with Telekinesis, the target must be in your LoS. Does this mean both the starting, and post-TK square must be in his LoS? can you move a figure around a corner, causing him to no longer be in your Los?

snacknuts said:

In order to move a figure with Telekinesis, the target must be in your LoS. Does this mean both the starting, and post-TK square must be in his LoS? can you move a figure around a corner, causing him to no longer be in your Los?

IIRC, the destination square does not need to be in your LOS.

I'm also pretty sure the victim only needs to be in LOS in its starting position.

In fact, I can nearly guarantee it, since it's possible to use Telekinesis to toss a figure into a pit.

So yes. You can.

Pits only effect the line of sight of those within it. At least as far as i remember :P

Jah, although figures in pits still block LoS normally.

Oh Descent, bless your frequently illogical little heart.

Lord Foul said:

Jah, although figures in pits still block LoS normally.

Oh Descent, bless your frequently illogical little heart.

Where does it say that characters IN a pit, lock LoS?

Figures block LOS, there is nothing in the description of the Pit terrain that changes that.

Oboewan said:

Lord Foul said:

Jah, although figures in pits still block LoS normally.

Oh Descent, bless your frequently illogical little heart.

Where does it say that characters IN a pit, lock LoS?



Pits have no effect on the line-of-sight or line-of-effect blocking abilities of the monsters contained inside them. A figure in a pit has its own line of sight restricted, but figures not in a pit treat that figure normally for purposes of line of sight.

Which would also mean that figures in a pit block LOS as normal. Evidently, all pits in Descent are actually 1-3 feet deep pot holes happy.gif

snacknuts said:

Pits only effect the line of sight of those within it. At least as far as i remember :P

snacknuts said:

Pits only effect the line of sight of those within it. At least as far as i remember :P

snacknuts said:

Pits only effect the line of sight of those within it. At least as far as i remember :P

True, I suppose you're technically just moving the victim into the space above the pit, allowing them to fall on their own. So I guess that argument falls flat. I'll read the exact card description as soon as I'm near my set and take a closer look, but I still don't believe there's any reason why you couldn't move your victim out of LOS: you just wouldn't be able to use Telekinesis on that character again.

Oboewan said:

Where does it say that characters IN a pit, lock LoS?

We play that they do block line of sight because it doesn't say they don't. Base rule book says that figures-not-in pit trace LoS to pit figures normally, It's doesn't say that you see through them or ignore them or whatever.

Big Remy said:

Which would also mean that figures in a pit block LOS as normal. Evidently, all pits in Descent are actually 1-3 feet deep pot holes happy.gif

Hey now, show some respect! Potholes with envenomed spines at the bottom gui%C3%B1o.gif