Are there still no mid-game saves?

By felkor, in BattleLore: Command

So I just got an iPhone, and looking at buying a game for it. I've been interested in Battlelore ever since it came out, but remember when it first came out reviewers complained that there were no mid-game saves, so if you didn't have 20-30 minutes (or more) in one sitting to play the game, you were likely to lose your place in the game when you switched to playing something else.

I know there have been some updates to the game, and was wondering if this has been resolved. I rarely get more than 5-10 minutes at a time to play on my phone, so was just wondering if I should still steer away from this game or not.

Still no mid-game saves.

This would definitely be nice for all the obvious reasons. But it would also be nice as a step towards async play and online game resuming.

First multiplayer game of Battle Lore I played got interrupted by my battery dying. :(

Thanks. I'm not much for multiplayer, but can understand how async would be more or less a must-have. Either way, without mid-game saves, I'm out for now. If/When they add that feature, I'm sure I'll jump on board and buy this game.