Toughness - how does it work?

By Nerdmeetsyou, in Rules questions & answers


I'm not 100 percent sure, how toughness works.

It of cause helps against direct damage.

But just to be sure: When I attack with two characters at the same time. Does Toughness apply twice? Or is the damage just assigned once as total damage?

Meaning if i have an enemy that has 2 Defence and 1 Toughness and he gets attacked by two characters with 3 Attack.

Does he now get a total of three damage, or a total of two damage?

Damage from an attack is just assigned once, so Toughness only applies once regardless of how many characters you use during the attack.

In your example, you attack for a combined strength of 6, and the enemy has 2 defense. There is 4 damage to be assigned, and the Toughness 1 keyword will lower that to 3.

Thank you for clearing that up!