There is a location in the quest Fog on the Borrow-Downs that I don't know the english name of. In German it is called "Uraltes Hügelgrab".
It takes allies from play and puts them face down under the location.
When the location gets explored, then they get returned to hand.
Question now is: Does this interact with Horn of Gondor, and if it does, when?
I see three scenarios here:
1. You get the ressources when they get faced down, as they now leave play.
2. You get the ressources when they get returned to hand, as they did not leave play, but just where faced down.
3. You don't get ressources at all: Because when they get faced down, they don't leave play. And when they get returned to hand, they are no Allies anymore, just some facedown cards that get returned.
What do you think? Or is there a definit answer in the FAQ already?