Form card levels vs. Player card levels

By Sluppie, in Rules Discussions

This is a question that occured to me when I was thinking about using Valor Form + Kingdom Key.

When I use a Form Change card in conjunction with Kingdom Key, do I use the Player Card's level for deciding the damage done by Kingdom Key, or do I use the Form Change Card's level?

I ask because if it's the former, Sora level 1 + Valor Form + Kingdom Key is almost too good to be true. If the latter, Sora any level + Kingdom Key + Valor Form would seem like you're either wasting the Kingdom Key or the Valor Form.

Just thought I'd ask.

Valor Form's text states that when you defeat an opponent in a challenge, you deal an additional 1HP in damage.
Since Sora (Valor Form) should work in the same way as SEs and Riku/Dark Riku, this means that you can play Kingdom Key with Valor Form Sora, and even if you deal 0HP due to KKs effect, you'll then deal an additional 1HP damage after Kingdom Keys damage has resolved.

Now to actually answer your question :P

The Form card placed atop your Player card becomes your Player's stats, which includes Attack, Magic and Level (Form's don't affect HP), bringing your Player card's level to 3. Combined, Kingdom Key and Valor Form are pretty useless, since you'll only do 1 damage a turn. But teching KK and VF in a deck will be pretty useful. VFing until you lose a challenge, and then doing multiple points worth of damage in mid-game to end-game.

Yeah I was thinking about something along those lines. It occurs to me also that while Kingdom Key and Valor Form cannot both be awesome at the exact same time, they could still both be awesome in the same deck if you know when to swap between the two.

They're both useful at the same time whenever you're fighting an Ansem deck.

Kingdom Key is Ansem's bane.

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. But I kinda didn't count him because I figured no one would ever see him again.

Yet for some reason they went and reprinted him?

wtf? partido_risa.gif

WayToTheDawn said:

Yet for some reason they went and reprinted him?

wtf? partido_risa.gif

lol that;s wat I was thinking too XD

Could have gotten a better Dark Riku ...but no......Ansem is pretty much the same.....

I guess to answer your question as to why, because Riku was Ansem till The World That Never Was, and you saw him as Ansem....a few times.

So, if we're supposed to believe that this Ansem reprint is really Riku, shouldn't he be able to use Soul Eater? Please?

No, because no one knew he was Riku ...except for The King.

Doesn't change the fact that he used it.

Ha, that'd be nice.

Except he still gets insta-pwned by Kingdom Key.

And even if so the new Ansem says he still cant use attack cards and also he now cant use equip cards. THOUGH NOW HE CAN CAST STOP BY HIMSELF!! YAY!

But no one is gonna use him anyways...

I'm using Ansem just because no one IS using him rofls. I wish there was another Dark Player card :( but Ansem is funny to use. I play tested it and well since everyone is going to have kingdom key, I just get 1 hit KO'ed rofls. I'll just rely on my draw powa along with stops!...Hopefully Phil won't be on the field at that time :D

sungtrs said:

I'm using Ansem just because no one IS using him rofls. I wish there was another Dark Player card :( but Ansem is funny to use. I play tested it and well since everyone is going to have kingdom key, I just get 1 hit KO'ed rofls. I'll just rely on my draw powa along with stops!...Hopefully Phil won't be on the field at that time :D

There is another Dark/Player

Dark Riku from Set 3?


*Hides his Dark Riku Aggro deck*

What Dark Riku? You're talking crazy, Mr. Dawn.

You crazy man, you crazy

I know but, for dark decks Dark Riku is the recommended one. I go for the underdogs which is Ansem since he literally gets Koed by kingdom keys XD