300 point rebel build (Core only)

By TrentL, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

I have 300 point game tomorrow and I'm honestly trying to figure out if I want to have 2 nebulon B or a crap ton of Tie Fighters (He is definitely going to have 2 VSD)

[ REBEL FLEET (293 points)
1 • CR90 Corellian Corvette B - Overload Pulse - Dodonna's Pride (53)
2 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - General Dodonna - Weapons Liaison - Redemption (88)
3 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Enhanced Armament (67)
4 • Luke Skywalker X-wing Squadron (20)
5 • X-wing Squadron (13)
6 • X-wing Squadron (13)
7 • X-wing Squadron (13)
8 • X-wing Squadron (13)
9 • X-wing Squadron (13)

I took the weapon Liasons so I can give squadron commands at will the though is try and keep the two nebulon B's in the same arc with the fighters, while Dodonna's Pride TRIES to get some good blue crits into a VSD to criple something important :P

I would be half tempted to jam another X-wing in there. Remove the Enhanced armament, jam in the X-wing. Use 3 X-wings and stock Nebulon-B to hold up the Ties while the remaining 4 hit a Victory under command.

Essentially you want to bait the Imperials into attacking your 3 X-wings and lone Nebulon-B early. So you can hold their Ties up long enough to slip past and hit a Victory with Luke and his boys. 4 X-wings can do a number on a Star Destroyer. If you spend the first turn making sure your Nebs used a squadron command you can bank that token on both so you can move 3 squadrons each on the turn you need to.

I also suggest adding another X-Wing.

You can either trigger Dodonna's Pride special ability or Overload Pulse with a blue critical, not both. Drop one - IMHO leave the title, drop the Pulse.

If you have access to a third nebulon from your friend, this is something i had already played and it does amazingly well since it kills the Tie fighters really, really fast, and i think it fits the theme you want to play.

Neb Escort, dodonna, leia organa, redemption @ 88

Neb Escort @ 57

Neb Escort @ 57

6x Xwing squadrons

1x Luke skywalker

Total 300

I spent the last 11 points on Leia organa + Redemption title for the Neb escort with Dodonna the reason is because that way, when combat is about to start, you have the repair command on both nebulons at the front, and then switch the one who is not getting shot at to a squadron order thanks to Leia Organa (that way you have one repairing itself, to survive a bit longer while the rest does the squadron activation business, which they can activate 6 the first turn if you stacked squadron token).

With wave 1 i would switch Dodonna to Mon mothma, or replace one Xwing for Wedge and get Yavaris title, and probably replacing the Xwings for A-wings since there are noone to use the escort rule with, but first i will try some other options with the Gallant Haven title.

Edited by DreadStar

I don't have access to a 3rd one sadly :*(

So I'll try this out and see how it goes:

1 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - General Dodonna - Weapons Liaison - Redemption (88)
2 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Enhanced Armament (67)
3 • CR90 Corellian Corvette B - Dodonna's Pride (45)
4 • Luke Skywalker X-wing Squadron (20)
5 • X-wing Squadron (13)
6 • X-wing Squadron (13)
7 • X-wing Squadron (13)
8 • X-wing Squadron (13)
9 • X-wing Squadron (13)
10 • X-wing Squadron (13)

Yup his list was 2 VSD, 5 tie, 1 howlrunner, tarkin, gunery team, dominator, and weapons liason (The two VSD had gunnery & weapons on both)

It was just absolutely crushing I couldn't get out of the front arcs of the two ships, I got buchered both times.

At this point I'm just not sure how the rebels are to play , I mean the Nebulons if they can get forward arcs on the side arcs its not bad, but he was repairing constantly and using Tarkin to give commands to both VSD and then change the repair token to squadron / concentrate fire ... I did manage to take down 1 vsd in one game but it was mainly the Xwings that did that work ... I found if you can et a couple of xwings in the front of the star destroyer its really hard to get rid of them (He would overlap them, I would put them back in the front arc)

Maybe I'm just a horrible player but I don't feel with the core set the sides are very balanced.

at the 300 point level the imperials have the upper hand for sure. it's not impossible to win with rebels. there have been reports of numerous rebel wins at the 300 pt level so far, but it seems to be a very uphill battle

stay out of their front arcs and keep to long range is your best bet

Love it how all advice is to stay at long range and out of front arc fire, which is pretty much impossible to do as ships close every turn or the Rebs are showing their flank as they try to get round, the SD can actually turn and has a very wide front arc.

Love it how all advice is to stay at long range and out of front arc fire, which is pretty much impossible to do as ships close every turn or the Rebs are showing their flank as they try to get round, the SD can actually turn and has a very wide front arc.

well you're always going to get hit with the front arc. but it's better to get hit by it at long range and as you circle it you come in closer

if you are trying to circle a VSD II and you get into medium range of it's front arc, there is a likely probability that it's going to either kill your ship or get your ship within inches of its life, and will finish you off with its broadsides. a single 6+ dice attack on small ships can spell certain doom

keep it at range and close the gap on the broadsides and the rear

I think both the Overload Pulse and Dodonna's Pride are redundant. I would take one or the other.

Like others have said, more Xwings. In the Core set Battles, it can be won or lost with the Squadrons. I like the Neb Bs for the 2 blue dice versus enemy squadrons.

Tomorrow my first 300pts game.

I'll bring 2x Nebulon B and a CR90B. Dodonna given he is my only option.

(I picked the Neb B for their extra squadron command and added AA mostly)

Add 7 X-Wings (the max I am allowed to) including Luke and all I have left for upgrades is 29 pts.

Suggestions? (for the upgrades)

oh how I wish the "Salvation" title came in the core :(

These...clearly aren't tournament games. Granted we can't use the Wave 1 models (although I would argue that even proxying the Wave 1 squadrons with core set models would be viable, since all squadron bases are the same), but why don't you just proxy the cards you want? Print them, cut them, bring them to a game so the exact text is available. : )

Edited by IndyPendant

I've been looking over my core sets, and I put together this for a Core Only Rebel list.

Capital Ships

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)

- Redemption (8)

- General Dodonna (20)


Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)

- Engineering Team (5)

Total: 62

CR90 Corvette B (39)

-Dodonna's Pride (6)

-Engineering Team (5)

Total: 50


Luke Skywalker (20)

X-Wing Squadron (13)

X-Wing Squadron (13)

X-Wing Squadron (13)

X-Wing Squadron (13)

X-Wing Squadron (13)

X-Wing Squadron (13)

Total: 98

Grand Total: 295


The list will likely have initiative, which is preferable over any of the 3-5 point upgrades I am thinking of from the core set.

There are no Enhanced Armament cards because the CR90, is the only ship I'd put it on from the Rebel Core set, and the B can't take it, only the A, but the B has much better synergy with Dodonna and his Pride. The EA weapons on a Frigate encourage you to show your flank when you should be crashing head first into targets.

Prolific use of Engineering tokens and commands here. The Engineering team and the Redemption mean that when you pop a Repair command - and with the CR90 there is no advance planning here so just use as needed, you actually gain 4 Engineering points, which you can use to repair hull or bring a depleted shield quadrant back to full in a single pass.

Dodonna's pride allows you to do guaranteed damage, and Dodonna himself allows you to pick the best of 4 choices for that damage.

Max number of X-Wings to mix it up with TIEs and put pressure on VSDs. Nebulons spray anti-aircraft as a secondary fire most likely, to make decent use of those sides you're going to protect while the front is sitting at range plinking weak sides of the VSD.

You're bound to get hit with front arcs eventually, so try to keep that front facing to the VSD but how you finish your moves and stay at range so they can't bring full weight to bear.

Edited by Right-Titan

Been running the same list as Right-Titan, also agree with Executor, use the superior speed of the Nebs to punch one of them on the flank at long range and come in from rear/side. Also if you play on a 4 x 3 map, you have abit more room to do just that. If you keep at least 3 xwing sqds hanging about to activate when needed, the said Neb can hit while the rest come in from similar trajectories. Try to make the SD turn to keep you in his front arc, he will be bracing and redirecting to beat the band, so his broadsides shields will be wittled down by long range fire gradually. With well timed attacks, you can confuse one SD, while clobbering the other, however, this is all academic if your opponent is crafty and uses one to cover the other, then its a bit trickier.lol!

Great game! waiting on wave 1 and 2 and 3 and...

As a Empire player (only played Rebel once, but did win) the best advice that I have is remember that the X-wing is you friend. It is so much better than the Tie, it makes short work of my tie's every game and then starts hitting my ships. Once wave one comes out this will change but for now the Empire does not have a good way to deal with the fighters.

"so much better" is a bit subjective

we have many players who feel the Tie is superior in its role and others who feel the opposite.

Objectively, the Tie is faster and a more efficient (point for point, given swarm ) anti-squadron squadron. The increased speed is very revelent because it can secure them the alpha strike, which is incredibly important given that squadrons can die before retaliating (minus counter in the future)

The X-wing is a bit more than 133% the price, slower, a notably more efficient anti-ship squadron ( bomber ), and the statline is set so that it should almost always win a one-v-one versus a Tie and lose against 2. The importance of initiative skews the equation somewhat, but again the Ties have superior speed.

The Squadron Command also brings the capital ships into the equation. The rebels should have the upper hand with more control over their stacks, but the Tarkin + weapons liaison combo gives Ties a lot of leeway. By contrast, the Nebulon is very capable of popping a tie a turn while the Victory basically won't ever kill a single x-wing :P

I would agree that X-wings are a rebel's friends at the core level because they are basically the only thing in the box that matches favorably against a direct fight with the victory :P Problem is I've found the Ties to be quite effective, so it's difficult to determine whether or not it's a clear cut advantage.

Also, have to ask why people are adding expenses to General D's flagship. I would like to know what advantages you guys are enjoying, because my senses keep me from putting anything on his Neb (minus Nav/engineering team) for fear of making it the obvious target :( [irrelevant if he's the only neb, ofc]

Edited by ficklegreendice

As a Empire player (only played Rebel once, but did win) the best advice that I have is remember that the X-wing is you friend. It is so much better than the Tie, it makes short work of my tie's every game and then starts hitting my ships. Once wave one comes out this will change but for now the Empire does not have a good way to deal with the fighters.

The gladiator isn't any better than the nebulon b for anti fighter and for anti capital ship it has to get close which it can't do without dropping health. As for the fighter packs, which are well balanced, there is no imperial answer that the rebels can't trump.

Ok, I have been playing rebel at 300pts and haven'thaven't lost yet because I rely on the X wings to take care of the vsds while my escort nebulons take care of the fighters while I get to the flanks. Rather than go around I tend to joust, sacrificing my CR90B up the middle while my nebs do decent broadsides with the extra red die from enhanced armament As they scream by on the flanks. Games normally end up with the vsds using navigate and repair to try to turn while I do the same (redemption and dodonna shine here). Then I bombard the vsds with one broadside while using my second shot to fry ties. The x-wings alternate between screening ties, but mostly beat down shields so the vsds' redirects are useless.

We play on 4×4 tables but they are quite cluttered with asteroids and wreckage. We even had a large fight defending a station, lol with a couple players on each side. Omg 4 vsds can't be beat no matter what we tried!

Byakuya007 , ib 17 Apr 2015, 10:34 PM said:

"The gladiator isn't any better than the nebulon b for anti fighter and for anti capital ship it has to get close which it can't do without dropping health. As for the fighter packs, which are well balanced, there is no imperial answer that the rebels can't trump.

Ok, I have been playing rebel at 300pts and haven'thaven't lost yet because I rely on the X wings to take care of the vsds while my escort nebulons take care of the fighters while I get to the flanks. Rather than go around I tend to joust, sacrificing my CR90B up the middle while my nebs do decent broadsides with the extra red die from enhanced armament As they scream by on the flanks. Games normally end up with the vsds using navigate and repair to try to turn while I do the same (redemption and dodonna shine here). Then I bombard the vsds with one broadside while using my second shot to fry ties. The x-wings alternate between screening ties, but mostly beat down shields so the vsds' redirects are useless.

We play on 4×4 tables but they are quite cluttered with asteroids and wreckage. We even had a large fight defending a station, lol with a couple players on each side. Omg 4 vsds can't be beat no matter what we tried!"

I agree that the Gladiator is not all that, but I do see some fighter combos that may make a differance.