Stars of Inequity - Spreadsheet

By Egyptoid, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

I have taken the Stars of Inequity Planet tables

and put them into a randomization sheet.

here's the page , 3rd link down, says Planet Generator

Consider this a beta test. It works for me, YMMV.

It's in Open Doc format, but should port to XL easily.

It is not 100% to the Inequity formulas, simply becasue

there are a lot of if/then/else clauses that are beyond the scope

of my capacity with a simple lookup table,

You will still need a copy of SoI to use the table, as some

entries you have to look up the details.

Some of the entries are made up by me, but should be

easy for a competent GM to flesh out. But its 95% by the book.

Comments? Critics ?


Edited by Egyptoid

Okay, same website link as above, 4th item down,

now I've done the Relic Generator.

Treasure Chart from Star of Inequity , reduced to spreadsheet form.

You still need the book (at page 83) to interpret the results.

It makes a random type of item, then applies 1 to 3 qualities onto it.

Again, only 99% true to the book, since the GM has to make some decisions

and re-rolls on some results, which are difficult to translate onto XL.

Also, I have no way to implement results of "Roll Twice & Choose One" or

"Roll Again and Add Both" so you get what you get.


ALSO with both of these spreadsheets, if someone wants to take

my work and post a better or tweaked version, or if they know

how to do functions I don't please do so and post it for all of us.

I think I love you. This is much better than a bunch of unreadable notes scribbled in my notebook! Thanks for sharing, Egyptoid.