Hey guys,
I created a new faction to play with my friends, and we playtested it for some time to balance it against the original factions.
I thought that it would be nice to share it with the rest of the Rune Age community (we like it a lot, and I hope you will too), so I translated the cards into English and uploaded them on BGG.
If you want to take a look, it's here : http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/116114/custom-faction-forest-wolves
So, what is this new faction? It's called the Forest Wolves , and like all original factions it revolves around a specific game mechanics. As you know, Humans rely on drawing cards, Undeads on having cards in their discard pile, Uthuks on wounding units, Elves on spending influence, Dwarves on using gold cards, and Orcs on playing the last card of their hand. Well, Wolves rely on destroying canon fodder . You can also say that it revolves around managing deck pollution.
- the cheapest unit is useless by itself (canon fodder)
- most of the other units need to destroy friendly units to do things
- there's one unit that adds canon fodder to the combat so that you can destroy them, but it adds a lot of them
- that means that you can be stronger by polluting your deck : it's a high risk, high stakes kind of gamble
- the legendary unit allows you to destroy the remaining canon fodder to prevent pollution (but it's a resolution ability so there's always a risk of it being removed from combat by your opponent)
That being said, I guess that it's easier to understand if you directly read the cards.
So please enjoy and give me feedback