So anyone who might have read my other threads (Adventure Collaboration and Adventure Advice) will know I was trying to flesh out the 'prep' part of Under a Black Sun.
While I swung back and forth between creating something others could use, to thinking "this is too specific to my group", and back again, I decided I would write down what I was planning on throwing at my group, just in case anyone could use it, and just as practice at actually creating something of this nature (Layout and style methods).
This is the first 5 pages of what I have done, and it is far from finished, but I would love any advice on style, layout, language, descriptions.. everything really. Its very much a showcase of my abilities. (I will be putting the appropriate symbols into the dice roll difficulties)
I have tried to keep it vague in areas, so others can tailor it to their needs (In my case, ive not mentioned Thaka in this, but he plays a large role in putting my PCs towards this task).
It certainly isnt as polished as FFGs own stuff... but of course, I am not a professional, and my tools are limited. But I still want to know what you all think.
This is now the most current version. We have added in the suggestions whafrog has made about finding the building, and I think we can consider this pretty much finished.
Both links go to the same file, one on Hoolys drive and one on mine.
My huge thanks to GM Hooly for his stellar work on taking my original work, and giving it a huge polish.
I hope you can all find this useful, and if anyone play tests this, feedback would be hugely appreciated. I plan to run this myself in the next few weeks, and see how it goes.
Edited by RebelDave