Issues with precision

By BergerFett, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Is their any opposition to things like Proxy bases for putting your measuring tool over squadrons, dice to track wounds instead of the dials and a dual painted coin thats red and blue for activations?

A few of us have been playing the learn to play scenario and even a 300pt game and it seems like the more you have to touch the models for activation slider or wounds the game gets sloppy. there are some ways to mitigate this but it seems very easily abusable in the competion.

Whatever works is fine, as long as both players agree to it

What about not putting the toll flush with the notch we see that all the time

Dice are always a bad way to keep track of anything in a game. It is always to easy for them to be disturbed, misused, or even absused.

The core set comes with play area/deployment zone markers. They are the four corner pieces. They are excellent for marking the positions of ships and squadrons in such a way that you can maintain accuracy when you replace them.

I've found that squadrons' exact positions are not terribly important, as long as they are reasonably and agreeably as close to the original as possible. It hasn't been an issue yet.

ya, I may use some proxy bases once i figure out the base size of the squadrons. also maybe get some base hugger wound trackers offered for other games. it hugs the base and has boxes to track woulds. may be much easier to use than dice.