So I'm looking for a general opinion on this
So me and another player are both force sensitive, on one campaign we got a tip off about a hidden ancient sith training center, following the lead we ran into a fallen jedi, buddy got a crystal and we got info on where more are. Not the best way to learn about the force but yeah. anyway at the second one we visited we both found ourself technically working lightsabers, they technically work in that they are built and all the parts are there except they don't have any crystals inside them.
Since then my buddy hasn't done anything with his but i keep trying to take it apart, my gm keeps having me roll a daunting mechanics check to just try and take the thing apart, which i always fail at.
My question is, should the check be so hard to simply take the thing apart and then make it a daunting to try and reassemble it or is he doing the correct thing and just making it hard on me. I should not that some in my group aren't exactly keen on me building a lightsaber as they feel it would make me too OP.