Opportunity Fire + Advance

By LimDul, in Tide of Iron

First. You are totaly correct in that Assault support has nothing to do with Fatigue. My mistake, dont know what I was thinking of, sorry.

Unit can have multiple states independent of other states. Squads can be Fresh, Non-Fatigued, Fatigued, in OP-fire, and/or pinned/disrupted, Non-Pinned. I suppose they can also be Non-Fresh.

My take on the assault rules, is still that they were graftet onto the rest of the system, instead of having been incorporated. Thus creating multiple exceptions to normal gameflow.

After rereading the rules and try to understand what they really say (without having to interpret something that does not exist), I reached the same conclusion that some friends have already posted previously.

OpFire units can support Assaults, but not can lead it.

The Rules:

Resolving an Assault Attack

All assaults attacks are resolved using the sequence below:

1. The active player declares which (if any) friendly squads are supporting the assault with combined fire.
Up to two friendly squads in hexes adjacent to the target hex may support the attack, even fatigued squads (but not pinned or disrupted squads).

In the game, Fatigued Squads can not perform any further action, nor even provide LOS.
However, in Assault, "even fatigued units" can support the assault. If "even fatigued units" (they can not do anything else in the game) can support an assault, why should OpFire units (which can still act) could not support an assault? If OpFire could not support an assault, the manual say it in two ways:

1.Up to two friendly squads in hexes adjacent to the target hex may support the attack, only fresh and fatigued squads (but not pinned or disrupted squads).
2. Up to two friendly squads in hexes adjacent to the target hex may support the attack, even fatigued squads ( but not pinned / disrupted or OpFire squads ).

The error is in the manual, saving words to say what is possible or not, leaving us a legacy of doubts.


A Fatigue Squad already taken an action in a space of time. He has raced like crazy, he crossed the field dodging bullets, he may have lost one of its soldiers during their action. But even so, the Fatigued Squad still finds the strength to support your friends in a Assault.

Meanwhile, a OpFire Squad is a "good life", sitting in a sheltered spot, just watching the field, waiting for some enemy appear to have to do.
The OpFire Squad does not need to risk, run like crazy, cross an open field taking shots and losing their soldiers.

So if a Fatigued Squad can support an assault, the "good life" OpFires also has to support a assault!