Mobilizing friendly / emtpy areas + attacking. Can you do it?

By Lykos2, in StarCraft

So I got StarCraft here almost 2 weeks ago this coming Wed, and one thing that seemed clear to me when I read the instructions didn't come out the same to my lawyer friend.

  • StarCraft TBG manual page 24

Restriction: Moving Into an Enemy Area

When a player executes a Mobilize order, he may move (or
transport) his units into any number of empty or friendly
areas on the active planet, but only into one enemy area.

Therefore, the active player can only start one battle with
each one of his Mobilize orders.

Now to me, I think it means you cannot just move your guys all around the place AND send some guys into a place with enemy units. You can, however, move from as many places as are friendly / empty to many places that are friendly / empty aside from moving units from the active planet.

My friend, not believing my interpretation, mobilized into my base as well as the other areas of the planet in order to prevent me from making any more units that were present at the area with my base and units. the only area of the planet that had troops was the area with my base, so no there were no multiple battles occurring. (That seemed horribly imbalanced.)

What's the say in this circumstance? Am I just going to have to make sure every area is always occupied?

revealing mobilize order:

a) you move as many units to empty and friendly areas on active planet

b) make one attack on active planet

so if u want to prevent enemy spawning in your planet fullfill all the areas with units

opponent will need 2 put many mobilize orders, its very balanced :)

So you're saying my friend did read it right :S. Ah well I do remember reading somewhere that the game does encourage attacking over defending. can't set in your base all day.


Wait one other thing. This was something I read in the manual that I thought kind of supported my side. You're able to make a turret in your base to prevent someone from directly coming to your base from another planet. What's to stop someone from moving to the active planet empty areas and then just attacking from there?

Another Edit:

  • Page 41

Limited Orbital Defense: Opponents may not transport
units across navigation routes (from another planet) directly
into an area containing one of the player’s bases.
Thematically, this represents the bases’ ability to shoot
down transports entering that player’s airspace.
Opponents may, however, still transport units to other areas
on the active planet. Furthermore any enemy units already
on the active planet may be moved normally into an area
containing a base with Limited Orbital Defense.

So I'm safe from that.

Thanks again. I'm ready :D

yes orbital defence helps to protect your base

but it protects only base area from direct attack

so if enemy uses 2 mobilize orders - better be prepared :)

Lykos said:

So you're saying my friend did read it right :S. Ah well I do remember reading somewhere that the game does encourage attacking over defending. can't set in your base all day.


Wait one other thing. This was something I read in the manual that I thought kind of supported my side. You're able to make a turret in your base to prevent someone from directly coming to your base from another planet. What's to stop someone from moving to the active planet empty areas and then just attacking from there?

"Furthermore any enemy units already on

the active planet may be moved normally into an area
containing a base with Limited Orbital Defense.

When they say "any enemy units already on the active planet" they mean units which were present on the planet BEFORE this mobilize order was played. Units which began offworld may not land in an empty space and then move into the base on a single mobilize order. You'd need two consecutive mobilzes for that.