Unplanned Events, Groups & Zombie Generator.

By StupidPanic, in Zombie Apocalypse

I bought this game two weeks ago and have been building up to my first game.
I've gained a great insight from reading these threads, thanks. :D
I'm currently planning my Main events, but like a lot of people have been looking for random filler event generators.

I couldn't find anything that fitted this game right.
So I've combined some best ideas I found online with ideas of my own.

You can get a copy of the PDF here

my group decide to take a left turn onto a street.
I roll a few dice.

21- Ambulance crew.

4 - agressive.

I decide to add in a group of survivors. I roll 5 dice and line them up.
An Agressive group of four friends with basic supplies trying to survive.

So my guys turn left and they come across a angry group of survivours who are trying to get more supplies from an angry ambulance crew. The NPC survivors also think that the PCs have sneaked up on them!

I'll that that work for a while and if it gets dull I can throw in some zombies.

Well that's it!
Mostly it's still up to the GM to take these ideas and weave them into his groups story plot?
What do you think? What whould you change?


Edited by Panic

Excellent ideas! Thank you for sharing. I'll have to use this in our game.

This is really awesome man! Thanks for posting it!

That's some very useful tables there. Excellent job! It probably wouldn't take too much work to adapt them to the other three books.


Awesome list! I'm gonna add some cannibals to it tough...

Cannibals :D I totally see loads of those in the apocalypse once cows get scarce!

This table is kind of set in first weeks and most of it is pretty weak once the apocalypse gets going.

Maybe we should brainstorm up a second table?
This link posted by Vinge has loads of events that are more suited to the ongoing horror!
I picked through it for inspiration while making my list, avoiding things that seemed too extreme for the first week or two.

Also If you guys have suggestions on new encounters post them and I'll see if I can expand on the list above :)


Edited by Panic


I'm just gonna throw out some random stuff, and you guys see if there's anything you can use for your games...

Something to make the standard zombies a bit different:

  1. Uncanny resemblance: Your heart skips a beat when you think you reconize an old friend/neighbour/family member in the decaying horor that stand before you.
  2. Zombie child: Zombies you can handle, but seeing a poor innoncent liitle girl turned into a flesh eating ghoul always gets to you. Plus you have to remember to aim lower for those headshots.
  3. Survivor zombie: You really are better of just evading the walking dead but this zombie might actually have some usefull items on its person.
  4. Quisling: This is not a real zombie, but a totally traumatized survivor who now believes he/she is a zombie. The "zombie" will moan and attack like a normal zombie, but can be killed a lot easier. It's up to the GM if the Quisling can be shaken out of it's belief that (s)he is a zombie. (The term "Quisling" comes from World war Z book)
  5. Funny T-shirt zombie: You spot a zombie wearing a "Greatfull Dead", "Cannibal Corpse" shirt, or something equaly ironic in this situation.
  6. Mysterious zombie: You spot one or more zombies wearing a hazmat suit or a uniform of an unknow (military) branch, or some weird cult robes: or a combination (Umbrella Corp hazmat suit covered in runic symbols) and wonder what was going on... (Could be combined with Nr. 3)
Edited by Robin Graves

Here are some random events for in a built up urban enviroment, preferably a shopping street with lots of highrise buildings and set during the start of the apocalypse when everybody is panicing:

  1. Jumper: you look up at the sound of breaking glass, just in time to see some poor individual smash on the pavement. Trapped on the 4th floor of a highrise buidling, this person has thrown him/herself out of the window rather than be cought and devoured by the zombies.
  2. Infected jumper: As nr.1 but the corpse is sufficently intact and now reanimates!
  3. Rain of the dead: The mindless dead in the office skyscrapers have somehow noted the humans fleeing below. Now they hurl themselves from broken windows to plummet into the screeming masses below. Chaos intensifies.
  4. Explosion: Suddenly an appliances store/residential building explodes outward, showering nearby people in a storm of flying debris.
  5. The burning dead: Somebody tried to fight the dead with fire. Bad idea. Now the shambling burning horrors do fire damage! (also the smell! eurgh!) Either the cause of or caused by nr. 4.
  6. Blackest friday: Panicked people take to looting and fighting to secure some supplies from a convenience store. The melee is so frantic that it takes a few seconds to realise the zombies have joined in the fray!
Edited by Robin Graves

Hi everyone. I'm new to EoTW:ZA, and to this forum, so please excuse any ignorance on my part but i'm confused by these house ruled charts you posted Panic. I like the charts, but how or what are you rolling to get a 11-66 result? I also don't understand the D36/D66 references. Are there actually polyhedrons with that many sides or do you mean 3d6 and 6d6?

I'll answer this one if you don't mind...

To roll a D66 means your roll two six sided dice , but instead of adding up the numbers you use one die as "units of ten" and one die as "units of ones" so the first die will give you the folowing results: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60. while the second die gives you the standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for a combined value ranging from 11 (a roll of 1 on both dice) to 66 (a roll of double six)

Its based on a D100 (roling two D10 or ten sided dice) but since not everybody (non gamers :P ) has ten sided dice, the D66 system was invented because everybody has a normal six sided dice lying around somewhere...

I'll answer this one if you don't mind...

To roll a D66 means your roll two six sided dice , but instead of adding up the numbers you use one die as "units of ten" and one die as "units of ones" so the first die will give you the folowing results: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60. while the second die gives you the standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for a combined value ranging from 11 (a roll of 1 on both dice) to 66 (a roll of double six)

Its based on a D100 (roling two D10 or ten sided dice) but since not everybody (non gamers :P ) has ten sided dice, the D66 system was invented because everybody has a normal six sided dice lying around somewhere...

That makes perfect sense and is a very useful system. I've never seen that type of rule before (I'm actually unfamiliar with FFG's rules systems too so maybe this is a common rule for them?). Thanks for the update.

I copy pasted my orginal tables into a PDF that can be printed out for easy reference.
Link in the first post. (I've spotted some minor issues that I'll correct when I next update the sheets.)

RobinGraves your ideas are great and I'll add them in as soon as I can find time.
I think we can easily double up on events! Two lists one for early days and another for later on?

FrankBlack thanks for the feedback I shall add in how D66 works.


Edited by Panic

No worries, I was just confused, LOL. Great charts! I'm adapting them for my new virgin ZA game as we speak, to fit my campaign. Great starting point for me.

@Panic: Make ALL the lists! Yeah, having a apocalypse and a post-apoc list would be awesome. Altough your list is already very good and covers a lot of ground. I'll have a bit of a brainstorm (Mmmm Brainsss) and see what i can come up with.

@FrankBlack23: Don't think i've seen it used in any FFG RPGs yet. Mostly it's D20 or D10 (D100) based systems. The first time I ran across a D66 list was in an Mordheim article in an old White Dwarf magazine, and it confused me to: I went like "why does it start at 11? There are only 36 entries, so how does this wor- Oooh it's like a D100 but with six sided dice!" :)

But, as Panic has shown, D66 can make some nice lists (not to short not to long)

Edited by Robin Graves

Military Encounters

Okay here are a bunch of random encounters with soldiers and other military personel. I'll leave the descriptions a bit vague so they are easier adapted to wherever your game takes place. (For example, I don't think the Belgian army has Bradly APCs)

These are best used during the apocalypse part, but I guess you can also use them post apoc.

11) 1D10 X2 Infantry soldiers equiped with combat fatigues, a single machine gun/automatic rifle, and a few tools a cantine of water and 1D6 MRIs (Meals ready to eat.) Their morale is good, and they are here to fight zombies and help survivors.

12) 1D6 +1 Infantry soldiers, worn out and bloodied from contiuosly fighting zombies, they are low on ammo, water and food. Their moral is low but they wont give up without a fight. Roll 2D6: On a 12 one of them is infected.

13) 2D6 Elite infantry, like USMC, seals, etc. Their moral is good and seeing these guys might even lift the spirits of those who witness them in action. They are even better equiped than #11 and have 1D3 special wapons such as grenade launchers etc.

14) As #11 but acompanied by 1D10 militia: normal people or reservists armed with standard rifles.

15) As #13 but with 1D3 snipers armed with sniper rifles.

16) 1D3 army snipers armed with sniper rifles and back up weapon.

21) A mixed unit of 1D6 infantry (see #11) and 1D6 SWAT members equiped with shotguns, tasers, pistols and flak jackets.

22) As #17 but one of the SWAT members carries a sniper rifle.

23) 2D6 "zombie hunters" These guys somehow seem different: They are completly unfazed about the whole dead rising thing, methodical, efficient and equiped to deal with zombies. Each is equiped with an automatic shotgun, a close combat weapon designed to smash in skulls (positive dice to attack?) and wear a type of body suit similar to dog handler or shark suit that zombies can't bite trough, and light enclosed helmets. They act aloof and are more concerned with killing zombies than saving civillians.

24) 8 Standard infantry soldiers and 2 medics sent to evacuate as much people as possible. The medics have lots of medical equipment and know how to spot infected people. They also carry pistols.

25) 1D6 soldiers equiped with flamethrowers and heat resistant suits. They also carry back-op pistols.

26) 1D6 soldiers and a medic, all in full hazmat suits (even if the cause of the zombies is not a disease)

Roll 2D6: on a roll of 11-12 one of the soldiers carries a flamethrower.

31) A light armored personel carrier. It is empty but the driver might be willing to pick up civilians.

32) A light APC With 1D10 standard infantry soldiers inside. (see #11)

33) A light APC with 1D10 elite infantry inside. (see # 13)

34) A battle tank, under orders to use any and all means to stop the zombies: This includes blowing up buildings.

35) A battle tank, under orders to slow down the advancing zombies, the driver might let survivors ride on the tank to safety.

36) A battle tank, still mobile, but completly swarmed over with zombies.

41) 1D3 motor vehicles (jeeps, humvee's). empty. But the drivers might give you a lift.

42) As #41but each carries 1D6 standard infantry soldiers. (see #11)

43) As # 41 but each carries 1D6 elite infantry. (see #13)

44) As # 41 but each carries 1D6 "zombie hunters" (see #23)

45) As # 42 but also has one military ambulance.

46) As # 42 but filled with weary troops sent to fight the zombies. Each vehicle contains 1D6 Standard infantry (See #12)

51) A repurposed Industrial vehicle (flatbed truck, steamroller, etc.) now used to crush and run over zombies.

52) As # 51 but partialy swarmed over with mutilated zombies.

53) As #51 but acompanied by either 2D6 standard infantry or 1D6 Elite infantry . GM's choice. (see # 11 and 13)

54) As # 51 but acompanied by 1D10 "zombie hunters" (see # 23)

55) As # 51 but acompanied by 1 APC with 2D6 standard Infantry .

56) 2D6 civilian cars each with 4 standard infantry soldiers in each.

61) A military ambulance and small APC, painted black. The soldiers all wear gasmasks and black combat fatigues. They are equipped as elite infantry but will open fire on anyone aproaching the vehicles.

62) A military helicopter buzzes overhead firing at nearby zombies. (It will not land to pick up survivors)

63) As #62 but instead it will drop off 1D6 elite infantry and might airlift survivors

64) An airstrike destroys several (infested) buildings nearby.

65) An airstrike destroys a nearby building or brdige the PC's were heading towards.

66) Roll again but this time any soldiers, etc are from a neighbouring or foreign country. They could be UN troops, or something else.

Edited by Robin Graves

Hi, I have been running a zombie apocalypse style D&D campaign and found this thread via a google search. Could one of you point me to the set of rules you have referenced here? Much appreciated.

Edited by Oneadventurer
On 7/1/2018 at 10:24 PM, Oneadventurer said:

Could one of you point me to the set of rules you have referenced here?

Ummm... do you mean this ? The rpg book/system this forum is for?