If Serena is both a hero and a Lieutenant, does that mean there are cases where she will be fighting against herself?
No, she is only one at a time.
Look at the quest "Fountain of Insight." The OL has the opportunity to corrupt one of the ally characters. If he corrupts the ally that is currently playing with the heroes, they will switch to the other ally for the remainder of the campaign.
To clarify, Serena can't be used as a hero in the Labyrinth of Ruin campaign (of which she is either an ally or lieutenant).
oh how I love serena's 6 stamina and hero ability.
Ohkay. Sorry for asking. Probably in the Labrynth Rules. I just thought it was weird.
Ohkay. Sorry for asking. Probably in the Labrynth Rules. I just thought it was weird.
Don't be sorry for asking, this is what this forum is all about.
The only dumb questions are the one never asked
Ohkay. Sorry for asking. Probably in the Labrynth Rules. I just thought it was weird.
Technically, it's in the rules for the Serena LT pack. And yeah, never be sorry for asking a question.
We're here to help, and happy to do so. =)
Is it in the rules for the pack, or on Serena's hero card itself? I thought it was the latter, as the rules seem to be the same generic Plot Deck/Threat/Fortune rules that all the Lieutenant packs have.
Granted, the Hero sheet comes in said pack, though
Well, actually there are 4 differente instances of Serena, and it seems to me in the answers that you guys are mixing all them up, and I'm still not knowing what was the OP referring to in the first place.
Serena can be:
-An Ally on Labyrinth of Ruin campaing, if you choose the corresponding quest, or, if you choose Raythen path and later he is possesed in Fountain of Insight quest. In that case you lose control of Raythen, and then use Serena the ally for the rest of the campaign. In case Serena is the one possesed while she was the ally, she is not anymore an ally, and heroes take control of Raythen.
-A Hero, which hero sheet comes with Serena Pack. This hero you can't choose while playing LoR campaign, so she has no interaction ever with her ally or Lieutenant counterparts. In any other differente campaign, she can be chosen as any other hero, with no restrictions.
And now, the "bad guy" parts:
-Serena the Lieutenant, only starring in Fountain of Insight or the Finale quests on LoR, only if Raythen is your ally, and he was not possesed on first encounter of "Fountain...". This Serena will never face the ally nor the hero, for the reasons given previously.
-Finally, Serena the Agent, as a part of Serena plot deck, which you can pick whatever the campaign you are playing, or the heroes on the party. However, the last card of the deck, which with you can summon the agent on "any" quest, can only be played if neither the hero, ally or lieutenant counterparts are present on given quest, as is written on the card itself. So this agent will never face any of the other Serena incarnations.
And that's all I think I can say about Serena, and her different versions. Summing up, Serena will never be twice on any given quest, no matter the circumstances.
PS. The only "weird" situation I can think of, is that of, when playing LoR campaign, and after taking Serena as an ally, you play any rumor quest, where you are allowed, AFAIK, to summon the Agent, so then she would be changing sides from one quest to another... And the same goes for Raythen, BTW.
PS2. Oops, I changed lieutenant for ally in the first description. And I was trying to clear things up. Lame...
Edited by AndrewMMPS. The only "weird" situation I can think of, is that of, when playing LoR campaign, and after taking Serena as an ally, you play any rumor quest, where you are allowed, AFAIK, to summon the Agent, so then she would be changing sides from one quest to another... And the same goes for Raythen, BTW.
Yeah- in the rumor quests heroes would not control their ally, and so it is conceivable that the OL could bring in the Serena (or Raythen, whichever the case may be) agent during one of those rumors.