UFS Warhammer Cards

By orchunter13, in UFS General Discussion

If my memory serves correctly, some limited edition UFS cards were released with the release of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning Online, and I was wondering if it was possible to still obtain these cards, and if so, where.

I've been a fan of Warhammer, and I'm also a huge fan of UFS, so bringing the two together would be great :D

So, ignoring my rambling, is it still possible to obtain those cards?


-Kryzen Beastfang

They were available through Game Stop / Electronics Boutique only if you happened to pre-order AOR.

If you can find one of those shops with some stock still left around then you win?

Otherwise, it would be off to the secondary market to find someone who has extras.

Ah, I feared as much.

Okay, thanks for your help.

Also, keep in mind when searching for these cards that they are not tournament legal, so unless you're a huge, die-hard fan of WH there's no need to go overboard trying to get them.

I have a deck! .. some where...


i remember these **** cards. Someone used them in a deck one day at our local play group and i was like WTF?!?!?!? so cheap yet deadly. Then our scout was like those arent legal...and then I was like oh~ it was pretty funny i didnt really care though