Licenses you'd like to see?

By orchunter13, in UFS General Discussion

I'm just curious: what kind of licenses would other people like to see in UFS?

I know that I'd like to see Mortal Kombat characters duking it out with the current repertoire of characters.

Also, how possible do you think it is that FFG will add licenses such as these in the near future?

This is merely curiousity, and definitely not an attempt to learn the thoughts of the masses in an attempt to control them :D

-Kryzen Beastfang

isnt there like 400 billion other sthreads on this subject? no offense just tired of seeing this thread pop up over and over and people aregue about whatever cult following obscure fighting game license they are fanbois of.

Yeah, I realized after I posted it, lol >_>

I made an amateur's mistake and posted without checking indepth to make sure there wasn't already a thread.

Sorry about that.