Top 5 Foundations

By Bloodrunstrue, in UFS General Discussion

It's that time again fighters, what do you think is the power 5 with the new banhammer in place??

My personal list:

Top1 - Blood runs true- Suffice to say it rocks serious house, too much house if you ask me. Stopping answers, stopping blocks and just generallys crewing your opponent over while you get free card adavntage slapepd onto better than average stats.

Earns top 1 due to versatility and power level. How this survived two waves of banning i'll never know.

2. Program malfunction.- Much better than Chinese boxing IMO. A 1-1 tradeoff in you favour and snipes to problematic cards, a staple card through and through. a 1-1 in every respect is brilliant!

3. The red lotus of the sun- Sheer stopping power and superb protection. only beneath program because i feel attacking to be stronger than defending, plus PM's existence and presence in agme forces you to use this card up.

4. Amy's assistance- Everyone complaing about UFS having too much damage redux? Step up one Amy's assistance, superior damage reduction and problem asset committal at your fingertips. Stops attacks in their tracks essentially, EDD, POTM, SoC, Reanimated getting ya down? Amy's solves them all.

5. Cursed blood- This did not need to be reprinted.

Honorable mentions:

The ways of punishment

Revenant's calling

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddd...... Keep your cool, yes folks I said Keep your cool. (pun intended) :)

I wonder what everyone else lists will look like?

Thanks guys


5) The Ways of P

4) Cursed Blood

3) Amy's

2) Red Lotus

1) BRT

I think Blood Runs True wins all 5 categories since it's so LAWLBUSTEDLOL


*in no particular order, and with no research and an early-morning-brain*

Blood Runs True
Program Malfunction
Shooting Capoera
Cursed Blood
Pit Fighter

1) Ka Technique - EXTREMELY UNDERRATED CARD. Why is it on top of the list? Because it can blank any of the ones listed below and anything else you dare mention.

2) Blood Runs True - The one card that still needs to GTFO.

3) Amy's Assistance - Asset hate and damage reduction in a neat package.

4) Keep Your Cool - Another randomly underrated card that, I don't know, kills the Combo mechanic in one shot? Unless your opponent's name is randomly Donovan lol

5) Know When to Talk - I suppose I like underrated cards. With Olcadan's gone, it can finally do what it wants to do... screw with Knight Breaker lol

This is not an easy thread to answer...

#1 - BRT - needs no explanation.

#2 - Fight or Flight - turns one attack into 2, or turns a multiple into nothing. My favorite attack and defense card.

#3 - The Gorgeous Team - easily the best/simplest recursion in the game, whether it is getting that foundation you can't seem to draw into or recurring a nasty action card, if you are a girl and share one of it's symbols it is in your deck.

# 4 - Inhuman Perception - response negation wins games that go past turn 2/3!

#5 - Manifest Destiny - quite possibly the best commital card out there granted it can be used to commit anything and for a reasonable cost (note EXP Combatant is up there in strength, as is Program Malfunction)

Honorable mention goes to Calming the Mind.

- dut

We play different where I live:

1. Fight or Flight (I hate this card more than any of you ever hated Bitter Rivals, Olcadan, and Chester's combined)

2. Torn Hero

3. The Red Lotus of the Sun

4. Destiny

5. Blood Runs True

Honorable Mention goes to The Ways of Punishment/Saikyo-ryu

ROTBI said:

We play different where I live:

1. Fight or Flight (I hate this card more than any of you ever hated Bitter Rivals, Olcadan, and Chester's combined)

2. Torn Hero

3. The Red Lotus of the Sun

4. Destiny

5. Blood Runs True

Honorable Mention goes to The Ways of Punishment/Saikyo-ryu

...That's...not different o_O...

No, if you were really different, you'd make like a REAL man and start playing real foundations:

Brazilian Heritage
Black Belt

Yeah forgot to mention B3 foundations only

So no shinji, no pit fighter, make another list =D

BRT isn't broken. lol.

1.Relentless: Cheap card drawing

2. Inhuman Perception : R hate ftw

3. Atoning for the past: Such a good way to clear your cardpool and still get momentum ^^

4.No Memories

5. Program Malfunction: F: commit is so dam good oO

MarcoPulleaux said:

ROTBI said:

We play different where I live:

1. Fight or Flight (I hate this card more than any of you ever hated Bitter Rivals, Olcadan, and Chester's combined)

2. Torn Hero

3. The Red Lotus of the Sun

4. Destiny

5. Blood Runs True

Honorable Mention goes to The Ways of Punishment/Saikyo-ryu

...That's...not different o_O...

No, if you were really different, you'd make like a REAL man and start playing real foundations:

Brazilian Heritage
Black Belt

It's different in that our top 5 doesn't consist of enhance/response negation (Lotus is sort of close) or commiting (i.e. Chinese Boxing/Program Malfunction).

Nobody has mentioned Aquakinesis

this thread fails

MarcoPulleaux said:

Nobody has mentioned Aquakinesis

this thread fails

I can't see why Aquakinesis is a top 5 foundation. And don't get me wrong, I use it religiously, and I think draw is one of the strongest techs in the game if used right.

The reason it isn't on my list is a) there is better off two symbols 'some/most of the time', the bigger they are. b) there are other cards that have more uses that also let you draw one card a turn, DBK and Abellia's to name 2 off the top of my head, c) the card itself needs to be out for more than one turn to be useful (the first turn it is just making up for it's own dead draw) and some games don't allow for multiple turn setup, and d) you don't have control over the draw, i.e. you can't combo into it near as well as you can with other draw cards, seeing as how you must activate it beginning of turn and not after/during the combat phase in which you can control to a great extent what is drawn.

It's good, don't get me wrong. Spammable and effective, it makes almost any deck I build with those symbols. I guess I am curious as to why you think it should make more top 5 lists?

- dut


Red Lotus

Battle prowess

Stand Off

Inhuman perception

I dont see BRT even being an issue anymore for smart players.

Protoaddict said:


Red Lotus

Battle prowess

Stand Off

Inhuman perception

I dont see BRT even being an issue anymore for smart players.

I doubt that for BRT, it is still just too versatile.

I also think Red Lotus has lost some significant use with olcadans gone, CHinese erratad and spiral arrow gone. DOnt get me wrong its still amazing just not as much so

My list in no order


Lesser of Many Evils

Inhuman Perception

Battle Prowess

Deadly Ground (freaking amazingly underrated, best draw tech in the game)

Protoaddict said:

I dont see BRT even being an issue anymore for smart players.

The reason BRT isn't an issue 'only' for smart players is that it requires the smart player to play around it. Either they need to include 4+ foundations that address control hack, or they need to run action cards that 'sit in their hand = negative draw' to address it.

Left unchecked, which is what I presume you mean a non-smart player will do and BRT is still at the very least a strong speed pump or card that says yay or nay (or simply pay more cost) to any card being played.

For someone who lists Aquakinesis as a top 5 card I would think the negative draw aspect that BRT imposes on it's opponents (assuming they are running action card responses that need to be left in there hand until use) or the case where they are running Destiny/others would still see BRT sit with you as a strong card. It is still a card that players are forced to run answers to, anything that requires an answer lest it be deadly, is definately a top 5 card.

BRT is also arguably as strong a draw mechanism as Aqua becuase it can be timed and controlled. Rearrange the top of deck and respond with BRT is oftentimes much more important than draw any old extra card.

I like your Standoff pick, sadly I can't agree with Battle Prowess which is only good against attack heavy decks, and believe you me Exhaust-oriented decks or ones that one-shot are still out there.

- dut

In no particular order:

BRT: Great at making sure that really good attack doesn't get played, or doesn't get blocked if you played it. Also good at kicking seals and good foundations out of the card pool before they have a chance to mess up your kill condition. One of the best ways of pushing damage through.

Dead for 1000 years: Have they reversed the negation ruling on this yet? Idk, but if not, then this card is still just dumb. Capable of singlehandedly winning nearly any grey war outright in the latest stages of the game, this is a card to watch out for.

The Ways of Punishment: One attack can often be all you need to win, and if this card is in your staging area, that attack is going to hit. This card is one of the best ways of forcing damage through with bitter rivals gone.

Lesser of many evils: When looking at a staging area from a control deck, one can't help but notice all of the R:'s printed on nearly every card. This card can nearly shut down whole staging areas depending on what deck its running against.

Revenants calling: Another great control piece that is useful in most situations. This card can really change the outcome of a grey war, commiting anything it needs to in order to make sure its deck will always have more pieces.

1. blood runs true - amazing stats pushes attacks through and draws cards.

2. red lotus - stops so many different cards in the game and again a 2/5 and stops now the most useful attack in block 3 spinta.

3. MAC - again like lotus stops so many things like BRT , tag along, all of orders card draw and various character abilities

4. cursed blood - the best tempo foundation ever no matter what you gain tempo which is amazing

5. revenants calling - Is one of the best counter control cards in the game and stops throw decks and again awsome stats.

Scubadude said:

1. blood runs true - amazing stats pushes attacks through and draws cards.

2. red lotus - stops so many different cards in the game and again a 2/5 and stops now the most useful attack in block 3 spinta.

3. MAC - again like lotus stops so many things like BRT , tag along, all of orders card draw and various character abilities

4. cursed blood - the best tempo foundation ever no matter what you gain tempo which is amazing

5. revenants calling - Is one of the best counter control cards in the game and stops throw decks and again awsome stats.

I actually agree with this list its and it makes death look amazing right now

Scubadude said:

2. red lotus - stops so many different cards in the game and again a 2/5 and stops now the most useful attack in block 3 spinta.

Quoted for truth. Also, interesting call on Martial Arts Champion, Chris.

ROTBI said:

Scubadude said:

2. red lotus - stops so many different cards in the game and again a 2/5 and stops now the most useful attack in block 3 spinta.

Quoted for truth. Also, interesting call on Martial Arts Champion, Chris.

it stops so many things at the moment BRT, Tag Along, Aqua Kinesis, Body of souls, even seoung mina its 2 good 2 pass up on

Yeah, I wasn't disagreeing with it, rather I was surprised it hadn't been mentioned sooner/more often.

ROTBI said:

Scubadude said:

2. red lotus - stops so many different cards in the game and again a 2/5 and stops now the most useful attack in block 3 spinta.

Quoted for truth. Also, interesting call on Martial Arts Champion, Chris.

Dude you have no idea mac has always been a favorite card of mina from my morrigan days since it shuts down hugo back in the day . Now it still holds a crap ton of merit with so many uses. Not only that I love the resources on it and death has always been my favorite symbol. As for lotus pretty much its the reason ibuki got banned and even with mentoring down it still deserves a spot of 4. Thanks for the feedback though guys been so busy I am not able to get on the forums as much as I used to. See everyone at Gencon!!

1) Dancing Battle Kabuki
2) American Made
3) Huge Wrestling Army
4) Criminal Past
5) Will for the Fight

Ok I am going with the cards I like the most in standard. They may not be the most powerful but when does that ever really matter as long as you enjoy playing.

Mulciber113 said:

1) Dancing Battle Kabuki
2) American Made
3) Huge Wrestling Army
4) Criminal Past
5) Will for the Fight

Ok I am going with the cards I like the most in standard. They may not be the most powerful but when does that ever really matter as long as you enjoy playing.

Someone likes Earth ^^ I agree with alot of your choices, these are all solid cards.

- dut