I just recently got the Battles of the Third Age Expansion, and see three big boosts for the Fellowship. I'd like to hear other opinions on the new parts.
Free Peoples
Big Help
1) Galadriel: FP can now hold Lorien possibly. Get an extra die faster. Hugely helps the Ringbearer if draw a couple of Eyes early.
2) Smeagol: Helps the Ringbearer a lot, reducing corruption by 2-3, plus an extra 0 hunt tile, and the down side is minimal (honestly, a redrawn tile isn't all that bad at all).
3) Siege Engine mechanic: should cost the Shadow an extra 2 dice or 3-5 troops per stronghold, for each muster FP die spent. That's a good return.
Questionable Help
4) Treebeard and Ents: here, with only 3 Ent attack cards, and a game usually lasting 7-9 turns, you'll only draw 10-12 Character cards (go Gandalf!), so hopefully draw 2. As long as the Shadow leaves 1 troop in Fords of Isen, then the first Ent attack card is spent killing him (one Ent in Fanghorn, one Ent to attack Fords). Then the Shadow moves a new troop to Fords and the second attack card is spent killing the troop, and putting an Ent in Fords. So unless the Shadow uses Saruman's Voice a number of times, the Ents don't really help. Other strategies for the Ents?
Shadow Player
Big Help - don't see any here, but then, they didn't need any help.
Medium Help
1) Balrog: an early 9th die without making everyone active, plus an extra 2 attack value and a bonus tile if you're lucky. Pretty bad downside of moving 3 nations down a notch.
2) Dunlendings: useful for blocking the Ents and for "sacrifice" battle cards, plus can recruit in forward positions. No downside.
No Help
3) Black Ships: not really sure where they were going with these, but don't see them being very useful at all. It's just as easy to march up the coast; either way they see you coming (if you've got a force parked in Umbar). I'd rather have the old Corsairs card!
4) New Witch King: since there's only one reroll of the hunt, having extra rerolls of only 1-2 dice isn't helpful. I will usually have a Nazgul or army in the Fellowship spot anyway. The original card cycling is still much better, even if it brings the activation of nations as a cost.
So what's your take on 1-4 for each above?
My Summary
I still think going North to the "DEW" line is still the best choice for the Shadow, along with scooping either Helm's deep and Minas Tirith, or just attacking Gondor full on.
I still think pushing the Fellowship is the best choice (which has gotten loads easier). I also think "wasted" dice for the Free Peoples are less of a factor, as muster dice early and late can get Galadriel and siege engines.
I think it'll be very hard to slow the Fellowship anymore, so the question is how fast can the Shadow get to a military victory?
I would definitely say what the Expansion does is it requires both players to very carefully plan their choice of actions, especially the order. No FP muster dice left? Now's the time for the Shadow to assault that stronghold. 0-1 Character cards in hand and no Palantirs? Now's the time to use Saruman and press Rohan.
Darth Hansen