Couple of Questions

By Seeker Of Souls, in Rules Discussions

what if you had leon on the field and another leon card in the discard pile? couldn't you just use leon and get the other leon back into your hand? rofls

sungtrs said:

what if you had leon on the field and another leon card in the discard pile? couldn't you just use leon and get the other leon back into your hand? rofls

Yes..indeed you could...hmmm

It's like a +8 support Sephy kinda except you can return him basically to ur hand everytime you use him technically and cuz of that he won't be really destroyed(but then again he will get Pinnochi'oed pretty easily or your opponent would destroy all your friends so it would be hard to put him on the field)...same if you want to use Yuffies effect and that's y i think leon's pretty handy XD. Use yuffie's effect, somehow discard her(Simba, jack, gravity, etc.) then get leon out get her back and use her again next turn. Good card control strat dont ya think? And also Decisive Pumpkin is really good with Dark Riku. Just gotta have alot of halloween town darks XD.

sungtrs said:

And also Decisive Pumpkin is really good with Dark Riku. Just gotta have alot of halloween town darks XD.

Really? Hmm.. I've found the Wishin Lamp to be more effective, due to the massive draw power behind it now.

I'm tweakin a deck that is lil by lil becomin an Aggro Dark Deck capable of stopin an Aggro Valor Form Deck.

Yes, Mr. Dawn. A dark deck that'll whoop up on Valor form. I said I'd do it, 'n I'm close. SO very close. Mwahahahahahahaha!!

What's your answer to Monstro now? happy.gif

Choitz said:

sungtrs said:

And also Decisive Pumpkin is really good with Dark Riku. Just gotta have alot of halloween town darks XD.

Really? Hmm.. I've found the Wishin Lamp to be more effective, due to the massive draw power behind it now.

I'm tweakin a deck that is lil by lil becomin an Aggro Dark Deck capable of stopin an Aggro Valor Form Deck.

Yes, Mr. Dawn. A dark deck that'll whoop up on Valor form. I said I'd do it, 'n I'm close. SO very close. Mwahahahahahahaha!!

O well it's because for example:

You have a Wizard in your discard pile, and Wizards are necessary in my dark deck build and they are also halloween town. And you place those lock shock and barrel combo letting you attack sephy strength and also have more chances to bring back Wizards at your disposal. I just thought that is a good strat to immobile magic friends but now that I think about it, no one really plays magic friends as much as before so I would not know if it would be effective ROFLS. and yeah I do agree with the wishing lamp but i guess it's the type of deck build you are making. Plus you combo all that with bunchya set4 shadows and it gives you a over boost of attack power XD but then again monstro would ruin that and so you put other strats in the deck to make up for it lol

sungtrs said:

Choitz said:

sungtrs said:

And also Decisive Pumpkin is really good with Dark Riku. Just gotta have alot of halloween town darks XD.

Really? Hmm.. I've found the Wishin Lamp to be more effective, due to the massive draw power behind it now.

I'm tweakin a deck that is lil by lil becomin an Aggro Dark Deck capable of stopin an Aggro Valor Form Deck.

Yes, Mr. Dawn. A dark deck that'll whoop up on Valor form. I said I'd do it, 'n I'm close. SO very close. Mwahahahahahahaha!!

O well it's because for example:

You have a Wizard in your discard pile, and Wizards are necessary in my dark deck build and they are also halloween town. And you place those lock shock and barrel combo letting you attack sephy strength and also have more chances to bring back Wizards at your disposal. I just thought that is a good strat to immobile magic friends but now that I think about it, no one really plays magic friends as much as before so I would not know if it would be effective ROFLS. and yeah I do agree with the wishing lamp but i guess it's the type of deck build you are making. Plus you combo all that with bunchya set4 shadows and it gives you a over boost of attack power XD but then again monstro would ruin that and so you put other strats in the deck to make up for it lol

Wizard is a Halloween Town friend? I didn't notice that lol. Though Lock, Shock, and Barrel work as +8 version of Cloud cause there effect only works for battles and not challenges.

oh wow yea I thought it said challenges my bad >.< lol and yea Wizard is halloween town or so it says XD

Yea I made that first mistake with lock shock and barrel and immediately thought challenges and when i played them in a battle i read it and was like "WTH!? Crap!"

I have some more questions, when i was reading the new rule book it stated on page 24 that "A player attacks all the Dark Cards on a World Card at once. If there is more that one Dark Card in the battle, the battling player can choose how to assign the total damage among the Dark Cards' So say you have a Behemoth and a Bouncywild on your current world and you are in your action phase attacking them. So since Behemoth is on the field wouldn't all your friend cards have to fight as well?

And for Pegasus does its affect mean that if you play Pegasus and lets say you have a Hercules on the field do you draw an extra card. Or when you play Pegasus do you draw an extra card or is it when Pegasus is already on the field and play someone from Olympus that you draw a card. And if it is, is Hades counted since he is from Olympus?

And for the Fat Bandit, it states that "the Attack Value from equipment and the support value from friend cards do not work against this card." So does that mean that only attack cards can work against it?

Also, lets say my opponent has a Deep Jungle LV 3 on the field, does that effect only come into play when I challenge them?

1. I always thought it meant that you could choose a dark card other than Behemoth and wait until you were ready to fight him. But by that rule, then yes, you would have to attack with all your friends even if you chose to fight a dark card other than Behemoth.

2. As for Pegasus, it would work only once Pegasus was on the field. But, Pegasus refers to "Olympus Coliseum" cards, not Olympus Coliseum . From what I read in an earlier thread, this means that it refers only to world cards, not cards with that world icon.

3. Attack cards and magic cards work against Fat Bandit, as well as friend effects.

4. No, that effect lasts as long as the world card is out. This is because lvl 3 world cards are supposed to have a drawback to keep them from being played constantly.

Chexlleim said:

I have some more questions, when i was reading the new rule book it stated on page 24 that "A player attacks all the Dark Cards on a World Card at once. If there is more that one Dark Card in the battle, the battling player can choose how to assign the total damage among the Dark Cards' So say you have a Behemoth and a Bouncywild on your current world and you are in your action phase attacking them. So since Behemoth is on the field wouldn't all your friend cards have to fight as well?

And for Pegasus does its affect mean that if you play Pegasus and lets say you have a Hercules on the field do you draw an extra card. Or when you play Pegasus do you draw an extra card or is it when Pegasus is already on the field and play someone from Olympus that you draw a card. And if it is, is Hades counted since he is from Olympus?

And for the Fat Bandit, it states that "the Attack Value from equipment and the support value from friend cards do not work against this card." So does that mean that only attack cards can work against it?

Also, lets say my opponent has a Deep Jungle LV 3 on the field, does that effect only come into play when I challenge them?

1. That is correct

2. New ruling made it that the effects like Pegasus is for cards with the Homeworld Icon. So in this case for Pegasus when its in your friend area, everytime you play a card with the Olympus Coliseum World Icon you get to draw a card and it even includes Hydra and Hades when you play them. Though Hades wouldnt be a wise idea since he would get rid of them and I am not sure if his effect would rid Pegasus before Pegasus' effect could go off.

3. You player cards attack and magic and attack cards could work against is.

4. Yes cause it is there world and there world effects only effect you when you challenge them.

Oops, I misread the last question. And as for the rule with Pegasus, how do we know when they are referencing friends and when they are just referencing cards with that name then?

That's the point. We believe that FFG mess'd up on the way the cards were to be translated, with the whole 'home icon' bein a new thing.

We came along 'n decided (after several points mess'd up [Herc, Meg, Peg, 'n Hades]) that if it states a world, it means any card with the world on it, friend cards, dark cards, or world cards alike.

We really need the Japanese cards to accurately translate the way the cards read. They use different symbols (little box-like icons in the lower 'n upper side of the word) than what we use (such as bold letters 'n quotes).

Thanks for the clarifications. But now i have another, if you run a world racer deck can you travel to Olympus Lv3 then on your next turn travel to the same world with the same level?

Oh and about that last question i asked, i see that some people say yes and some people say no, so let me clarify the question.

If MY OPPONENT has Deep Jungle LV 3 on the field, lets say they challenge me, lets say i have a different world card on my side of the field, so only MY word would have priority and cancel out deep jungles effect? Or would deep Jungles effect still come into affect?

Yep , you can travel to the same world twice (except Disney Castle *it says on the card*)

Also if they challenge you then no, deep jungles effect doesn't work. you only look at the world card of the person being challenged

Hey, me again with some questions. Good to see that other people are getting help as well.

1. Can Jafar Genie be played without the prior defeat of Jafar? As in can he come in during your action phase like any other Villain?

2. Does the Unique Card Rule mention anything about Villains? Im sure you should only be able to play 1 of each name on your opponents worlds or in your Friend area (in case of Dark Players)

3. Dark players must follow the friend playing rule (n+1, n=highest level in friend area) right?

I always lose connection on this forum...

hey, this isn't law but the way I've be playing and am pretty sure is correct are:

1.Yes, obviously it's a guaranteed stall if you play him after jafar but you definatly can play him normally

2.This one I'm not sure of, but I have always played where you can play more than one villan on an opponents world (I guess the same would hold for dark players)

3.Yes, dark players would be broken if you could play parasite cage or wizard right off the bat

Thanks once again.

Here's another question:

4. How can Behemoth's power be used when used as a friend by a Dark Player? What about Green Requiem?

5. Out of curiosity, does anyone have a End Of The World from set 2? Just want to know what its effect is, can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks

4) Behemoth's effect won't do anything when it is played as a friend for a dark player cause it only works when someone is battling Behemoth. And Green Reqiums effect only works when it is placed on a world card and not in the friend area.

5) End of the World Lv2, Dark Limit 3. Your opponent may place Dark and Nobody Cards of any level on this World Card. If you are using a Dark Player Card, Dark Cards you play as Friends of Level 3 or lower are treated as level 1 cards when played into your Friend Area.

Ok so now i'm understanding Set 4s ruling a little better but now i'm confused again!!! For King Triton even though you play him as a level 2 it says when he gets on the field he is treated as level one, so now can you play level 3 cards once you play him?

And one more, lets say you have played cards from Lv 1-4 but have discarded all but say one LV 1 card, can you still play level 4 even though you dont have 3's on the field?

1.) My apologies, mate. You're readin the card all wrong. King Triton's effect is simply this: He's treated as a level 2 friend card everytime, except the moment you decide you wish to play him. As you are playin him (ie: goin from hand to field), he's treated as a level 1 card. Once he slaps down on the field into your friend area, he regains his level 2 status, makin him an awesome card altogether. After he's play'd, you can play a level 3 card from there on without any problems.

2.) If you only have a level 1 friend out on the field, you cannot play a level 3 or level 4 friend on the field even if you already have done so before. Certain exceptions would be Mickey Mouse + Don/Goof, Moogle, Meg +Oly. Col., etc.. (look up combos).

oh ok, i understand now, thanks.