Adding a THEIR attack

By ROTBI, in UFS General Discussion

Now that Bitter Rivals is gone (much to the rejoicing of everyone but me), here's an idea I've wanted since the Dark Path days:

A foundation or asset that adds a keyword to your opponents attack. Remember X.F.L.A.T. and The Hawk? How many times did people actually get those abilities off successfully?

If we had more cards with abilities like that (i.e. Sa, Symbol of Protection), would you run a card that adds keywords to your opponents attack? If so, what do you think it a worthy cost?

Fun mindgames could ensue... you're playing a Good deck, and they're already seen both Mark of the Beast and Ichi no Tachi. They have 2 momentum, and then you give their attack Multiple:2. Do they blow the momentum knowing it might not do anything, or sit on it and possibly miss their chance?

Also, would have the rather nonsensical effect of letting you use your Ranged blocks on anything :]

Nice to see at least one person agrees. :)

ive also been thinking about other new elements they could add to the game (from from other card games and sucH) such as switching a card from your opponents staging area to yours and other such things. To this day I dont think ive ever seen ranged be blocked by a ranged <_<

Every day I'm reminded of how I didn't take my Bitter Rivals **Mai** to Worlds 08...

*le sigh*

MarcoPulleaux said:

Every day I'm reminded of how I didn't take my Bitter Rivals **Mai** to Worlds 08...

*le sigh*

it was a good deck i saw it run quite a few times and i hated playing against it

but as far as the OP there are alot of things that they havent done that they could i just hope they keep it interesting and keep adding more and more mechanics to the game