Penny Arcade Being Re-printed But Not For UFS?!?!

By JDub, in UFS General Discussion

James Hata designed, eh? That's quite telling. I wonder how many days/months/years are left for UFS?

So very happy I sold a very large chunk of my UFS after reading this announcment. FFG isn't doing anything to encourage me to keep buying product.

Ooohhh Ahhhhhh, DnD card game with Penny Arcade theme, looks so mediocre I almost care. C'mon, Penny Arcade is a fine comic, but whats the appeal of a tired joke in card form? UFS is still the game for me.

didn't they told us this was for ufs? oh well, unless they are planning to do it for us at the same time. Not like we've always been walking in the fog for 3 whole years...

Ninjazanus said:

Ooohhh Ahhhhhh, DnD card game with Penny Arcade theme, looks so mediocre I almost care. C'mon, Penny Arcade is a fine comic, but whats the appeal of a tired joke in card form? UFS is still the game for me.

The first UFS set was Penny Arcade themed.

The new game is basically a re-done UFS Penny Arcade battle box but with a new template and card back so it's not compatible with UFS anymore.

Tagrineth said:

Ninjazanus said:

Ooohhh Ahhhhhh, DnD card game with Penny Arcade theme, looks so mediocre I almost care. C'mon, Penny Arcade is a fine comic, but whats the appeal of a tired joke in card form? UFS is still the game for me.

The first UFS set was Penny Arcade themed.

The new game is basically a re-done UFS Penny Arcade battle box but with a new template and card back so it's not compatible with UFS anymore.

It's a totally differant game. New rules, new effects, everything.

Aside from the fact that this was announced pre-t8 at Nationals, it was remade in non-UFS format for the reason that it'd be easier/simpler for people to play.

ShadowDragon said:

Aside from the fact that this was announced pre-t8 at Nationals, it was remade in non-UFS format for the reason that it'd be easier/simpler for people to play.

And still, nobody told us, the non-coming dudes, as a flash news. nothing at all.

I heard people got actual copies of the Penny Arcade promo, with the UFS border/effects/copyright info/etc/etc?

This makes me sad... every single thing mentioned is a direct pull from a UFS card, only Hijinks is apparently a type rather than simply another card in the set

Admiral Ren said:

And still, nobody told us, the non-coming dudes, as a flash news. nothing at all.

Because you seriously believe we matter and thus should be kept informed?

So... you see the positivity displayed in this thread, when people are notified that PA is no longer being released as a UFS Boxed set?

What in this thread would encourage FFG to communicate something different in terms of a special message?

Remember all the people who said "They'd quit" if PA was re-released as a UFS expansion?

Remember all the people who said "If they reprint Dirty Pool, I quit!"

Yesterday people are upset because FFG is releasing UFS themed sleeves.

Now people are posting that the game is dying because they're releasing Penny Arcade as its own game.

Can you guys make up your minds as to what you want?

F penny arcade...ummmi i dont think ive ever played a fighting game with PA or around PA.....who cares...UFS is still #1!!!! we dont need PA to have a good card game....

if you read teh other posts on that link, you will see that theye used it in other games as well. I dont really care where penny arcade is going. But I wonder what will become of UFS, these next few months i think will be if UFS fails or goes on as a game.

Antigoth said:

So... you see the positivity displayed in this thread, when people are notified that PA is no longer being released as a UFS Boxed set?

What in this thread would encourage FFG to communicate something different in terms of a special message?

Remember all the people who said "They'd quit" if PA was re-released as a UFS expansion?

Remember all the people who said "If they reprint Dirty Pool, I quit!"

Yesterday people are upset because FFG is releasing UFS themed sleeves.

Now people are posting that the game is dying because they're releasing Penny Arcade as its own game.

Can you guys make up your minds as to what you want?

Peoples' general assumption when saying all that was that we'd get re-worked cards (as was originally intended). And you know nobody really meant it when they said they'd quit if UFS got a(nother) Penny Arcade expansion.

I am under the impression that this is a standalone (simplified?) game but PA will still be "reprinted for UFS".

Maybe just as a promo set, all iknow is igot a 5 point "Penny Arcade" from PoTM and so do about 60 others....

Smazzurco said:

I am under the impression that this is a standalone (simplified?) game but PA will still be "reprinted for UFS".

Maybe just as a promo set, all iknow is igot a 5 point "Penny Arcade" from PoTM and so do about 60 others....

This is a standalone game. It's totally different rules, doesn't really seem like just a simplified version of UFS. PA will not be reprinted, we are getting this instead.

I thought the PA they gave out at PoTM were just original ones not reprinted versions?

Smazzurco said:

all iknow is igot a 5 point "Penny Arcade" from PoTM and so do about 60 others....

Speaking of which, any word on when those will be legal...with the exception of a legacy deck last month, that care would be collecting dust in my collection if it weren't for sleeves.

JDub said:

PA will not be reprinted, we are getting this instead.

Wafflecopter said:

JDub said:

PA will not be reprinted, we are getting this instead.

We don't know this, do we? We just know that we are getting this, and that there has been no news around the PA reprint.

And there's a reason for that.

OOH, got some insider information for us Mr. Antigoth?

JDub said:

Tagrineth said:

Ninjazanus said:

Ooohhh Ahhhhhh, DnD card game with Penny Arcade theme, looks so mediocre I almost care. C'mon, Penny Arcade is a fine comic, but whats the appeal of a tired joke in card form? UFS is still the game for me.

The first UFS set was Penny Arcade themed.

The new game is basically a re-done UFS Penny Arcade battle box but with a new template and card back so it's not compatible with UFS anymore.

It's a totally differant game. New rules, new effects, everything.

But after reading the effects of Tycho and Gabe, it looks almost like an exact copy of UFS. Even the description included something to the effect of, "Use power and intelligence to bash your opponent's face" or something to that effect.

We should spend less time on Penny Arcade


The responses in this thread are kind of silly.

Why is it a surpirse that Penny Arcade isn't coming back to UFS? It isn't exactly a fighting game, and who's to say a reprint or an entirely new set (far stretches to make a bunch of new attacks for a non-attack based license) would sit well with the UFS demographic? As Antigoth said, a lot of people are put off by the possiblity of more Penny Arcade, especially at the exception to more sets and more characters that we want to see from our favorite fighters.

Obviously FFG thinks that they can make more money utlizing the Penny Arcade license by creating a new game for it, one that is possibly more accessible to non-fighting game fans, and thereby tapping into a larger market of gamers. In addition, anyone that liked UFS becuase of Penny Arcade will likely purchase the new Penny Arcade game, = an existing market.

It is strictly a business decision, and a good one. It is no way indicative of UFS's future, the only determinant of that is how much of the new sets we players buy and how much we the players grow the game increasing sales even more. UFS can't, nor should it be, a pet project for FFG, it needs to excel on it's own.

To that extent I think we can all agree that time will tell with the new Tekken set (it's sales figures) and the sucess of UFS in it's 5 point variety (and by itself). We can all see some serious changes in the power level of cards, the theme of the game, and overall design of the 5 point characters.

AND? What is wrong with buying the new Penny Arcade stuff and UFS? Absolutely nothing. It is better for you to spend more time playing a variety of different games. a) you learn new skills and techniques (keeps your brain active), b) introduces you to new people who play the other games, and c) gives you more choices and options as to what to do when wanting to escape to a hobby.

Go play the new game, still play UFS, the choice is yours.

- dut

Antigoth said:

So... you see the positivity displayed in this thread, when people are notified that PA is no longer being released as a UFS Boxed set?

What in this thread would encourage FFG to communicate something different in terms of a special message?

Remember all the people who said "They'd quit" if PA was re-released as a UFS expansion?

Remember all the people who said "If they reprint Dirty Pool, I quit!"

Yesterday people are upset because FFG is releasing UFS themed sleeves.

Now people are posting that the game is dying because they're releasing Penny Arcade as its own game.

Can you guys make up your minds as to what you want?

I can't say I would've been thrilled with Tycho or Dirty Pool back in the meta. I'M GLAD IT'S GONE FOR GOOD.

You want Penny Arcade? Play Legacy, where it belongs and where it shall rot until the end of time. UFS does not need Penny Arcade back.

Calm down Guita

Penny Arcade was an extremely "different" thing to be added to the UNIVERSAL fighting system. IMO, this game should have as much variety and difference in its repertoire as possible (that way people aren't saying such things as 'Soul Cal' and 'SamSho' are basically the same thing).