Question about Devine Retribution

By DaveSharman, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


A question about Devine Retribution arose the last time we played Descent. The card indicates that all monsters within 3 spaces are killed and removed when the hero with this card is killed by a monster. Does this also apply if the Overlord plays the Dark Charm card and has one hero kill the hero with the devine retribution card? If it does, does this kill heroes within 3 spaces, or just monsters?



DaveS said:


A question about Devine Retribution arose the last time we played Descent. The card indicates that all monsters within 3 spaces are killed and removed when the hero with this card is killed by a monster. Does this also apply if the Overlord plays the Dark Charm card and has one hero kill the hero with the devine retribution card? If it does, does this kill heroes within 3 spaces, or just monsters?



Based on this sentence from the FAQ concering the charmed hero:
"The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command."

I believe the Charmed Hero who deals the killing blow to a hero who has DR, qualifies as the trigger. DR resolves normally and kills all monsters within 3 spaces.

That's how I'd play it... probably not the wisest move for the OL but despends on the situation.

Oboewan said:

DaveS said:


A question about Devine Retribution arose the last time we played Descent. The card indicates that all monsters within 3 spaces are killed and removed when the hero with this card is killed by a monster. Does this also apply if the Overlord plays the Dark Charm card and has one hero kill the hero with the devine retribution card? If it does, does this kill heroes within 3 spaces, or just monsters?



Based on this sentence from the FAQ concering the charmed hero:
"The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command."

I believe the Charmed Hero who deals the killing blow to a hero who has DR, qualifies as the trigger. DR resolves normally and kills all monsters within 3 spaces.

That's how I'd play it... probably not the wisest move for the OL but despends on the situation.

Based on that, though, if the OL charmed the DR character and had them kill themself, then DR should wipe out the other heroes.

Rajamic said:

Oboewan said:

DaveS said:


A question about Devine Retribution arose the last time we played Descent. The card indicates that all monsters within 3 spaces are killed and removed when the hero with this card is killed by a monster. Does this also apply if the Overlord plays the Dark Charm card and has one hero kill the hero with the devine retribution card? If it does, does this kill heroes within 3 spaces, or just monsters?



Based on this sentence from the FAQ concering the charmed hero:
"The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command."

I believe the Charmed Hero who deals the killing blow to a hero who has DR, qualifies as the trigger. DR resolves normally and kills all monsters within 3 spaces.

That's how I'd play it... probably not the wisest move for the OL but despends on the situation.

Based on that, though, if the OL charmed the DR character and had them kill themself, then DR should wipe out the other heroes.

I believe the text of the card is specific to monsters, not enemies, so that is not the case...

plus there is this here:

1.11 Q: " Divine Retribution and Dark Charm: In the updated FAQ (1.5.1) it is now stated that DR only triggers when an enemy figure kills the hero. But how does this work with Dark charm? Is the hero considered an enemy figure of himself or another hero? Or does DR only work when the OL kills the hero with a regular monster attack or trap?"

* A: Hey guys, A Dark charmed hero will indeed trigger divine retribution. However, the charmed figure will not be killed by the divine retribution. The point of divine retribution is that it's a deterrent for the OL. He either needs to avoid killing that hero or minimize his losses when he chooses to do so. Normally, I pick them off with a skeleton or other long range monster if I want those conquest points. Or, kill them with a trap. Traps are not "enemy figures". You might even arrange for a burn token to finish them off, etc.
* Related Rulebook Paragraphs: ??
* Source: Kevin W,

The clarification is nice to indicate that monsters are still killed by DR under those circumstances, but under no possible interpretation would heroes have been killed by it: they are neither monsters nor unnamed, and thus fail both of the major targeting criteria.

Thanks guys,

That definitely clears it up. We'll play it so the Overlord's monsters are killed.
