Powerful: 1

By ROTBI, in UFS General Discussion

Am I the only one who frowns upon seeing this? Now that Bitter Rivlas is gone, it's not a negative thing to have per se, but 1 damage for 1 momentum? Does anyone feel the need to specifically play attacks for that reason? If you do, that's fine, I'm not trying to insult anyone if that's your thing. but for me, it's the most worthless keyword ability in the game...Now powerful: 2, 3, or 4, that's something completely different.

What say you?

I say that one point can still alter everything... mainly in speed...

but powerful is just powerful, if it's for 1:1 then I wouldn't use it unless I had stored up about 4-6 momentum and use up 2-3 of them and flow in with a multiple to poke them down more after they blocked the incoming 5-10 damage attack. but then again powerful:1 is why Rolling Buckler Uppercut was useful too. A 3/3 Reversal, Powerful:1 and an E that has be a momentum when blocked... that's a decent trade off for what can happen.

It's not great, certainly nothing compared to the bigger numbers, but throwing a long string, having them all hit but half blocked and reduced to near 1, then next turn having that really really cheap 10 damage attack is nice.

If nothing else, it's a good way to throw away the momentum from Ira Spinta

It's better to have than not. I have killed with it before plenty of times (remember maelstrom divide Ken?)

Once seen a local player use meat eater to give a poke attack powerful:1 at the end of an attack chain. The extra 3 damage he got out of it was enough to finish off his opponent as time for the round was called.

Every little bit helps. One point of damage can be the difference between winning and losing the game.

It's also a handy way to get rid of momentum that your opponent gives you.

dshaffer said:

Every little bit helps. One point of damage can be the difference between winning and losing the game.

It's also a handy way to get rid of momentum that your opponent gives you.


dmg is always good. just because you don't play the card for it's powerful 1doesn't mean potential extra dmg isn't usefull.

Protoaddict said:

It's better to have than not. I have killed with it before plenty of times (remember maelstrom divide Ken?)

QFT, that's the one big exception I thought of when typing this, but come on, that wasn't a true Powerful ability...it was starter Ken being abusive with his insane-for-the-time draw.

You know what card I'm not disappointed to see Powerful:1 on?


Sure, I'll drain your momentum to get damage. And don't you worry your little head about my Water Canes, it will only hurt for a second.


Naturally..it's a 7 speed attack. would you still play the same card if it was a 2 or 3 speed for 4 or 5 difficulty. I'm talking about playing a card specifically for the Powerful: 1, not becuase of the other great abilities on it like Maelstrom Divide and Midnight pleasure have.

Mark of the Beast is Powerful:4.

But you can only use 1 momentum =/

Tinman said:

You know what card I'm not disappointed to see Powerful:1 on?


Sure, I'll drain your momentum to get damage. And don't you worry your little head about my Water Canes, it will only hurt for a second.


thats what meat eater is for

Powerful 1 may not be very good but 1 damage can always make a difference, I have been killed about 3 or 4 times because of Evil Plans action.

it is pretty good to be tacked on to an already good attack but other than that not really special

It's one of those things that you can't honestly build a deck around. It takes a lot of resources to turn it into a consistent game winner.

It will win games though, and when it does you will happy it is there.

- dut

Another card with Powerful:1 that's good: Preventing the Curse!

I think powerful 1 is good for those even damage attacks. For instance if an attack does 4 damage and has powerful 1 you can make it a 5 damage and thus deal one more damage if it is half blocked. Other then that its just a nifty thing to pressure the opponent imo.