I have a few timing questions that hopefully someone can answer.
1> Players go back and forth doing actions, with the active player getting the first opportunity. If you play a response or disrupt in reaction to the other player's action, do you then get your own opportunity for an action, or does the response / disrupt count as your action, causing action opportunity to pass back over to your opponent?
2> I've read that you can't play actions at any time while the three (or however many) stories are in the middle of being resolved. Apparently the unplayable actions include normal (non-forced) reactions, correct?
A few questions semi-relating to #2:
3a> Are you thus unable to use Monster Hunter's response ability right after, say, winning an Arcane struggle 2 icons to 0, forcing you to wait all the way until after all three stories are resolved to use it? For reference, said ability is "Response: After you win an icon struggle by at least 2 icons, pay 2 to choose and wound a character with skill 2 or lower."
3b> Assuming yes to 3a: with said Monster Hunter response ability (and ones similar to it), would you then get a separate trigger to respond to for every time during the three stories that you won an icon struggle by 2+? i.e., if I won Combat by 2+ at one story and Arcane by +2 at another, after all stories had resolved I would be able to pay 2 and wound a character of my choosing TWICE?
3c> Lastly: if he wasn't involved in the resolution of some or all of the stories in question (because he was at home 'uncommitted' or just at a story where no struggles were won by 2+ icons), would he still be able to use his ability? I'm guessing yes but I just want to make sure.
Many questions for sure. Much thanks in advance to anyone who can answer them.