what's hot right now for cards/decks?

By knew_b33, in UFS General Discussion

Being away for a long while from these forums made me sad, however since I've returned I just want to know what is going on with the cards and stuff... such as what promos got released recently (as in like two-three months -.-; ;) , any new spoilers out of the Tekken and SC sets coming out (such as dates and whatnot) and what has been happening with events and what to look out for and/or have in for tournament play?

thank you for filling me in ^.^

Recent promos are Chester's backing, Lord of the Makai, Olcadan's Mentoring...im sure there are a few im forgetting.

Oh yeah, those were all SOO good, they got banned.

In all seriousness though, with the recent bannings the game is much more wide open. There are no more auto-includes and aggro is viable once again.

That being said, the deck to build is Order lockdown with spiral arrow, oh wait that was banned too.

Since LotM is banned just make something defensive to loop rejection with Hybrid style and shooting cap or something...o wait rejection is banned too.

Seriously now you can build whatever you want. You can always just run 55 foundations and 4 feline spikes and a characte card with air water or good...o wait its Multiple for felicia only now.

lol i think you get my point. There used to be a pretty limited meta, and now its a lot more widespread.

Have fun and welcome to the arena!

is the banned/erata list re-done so that I can also see the full updates?

and wow to the whole Feline Spike thing... finally it got spaed...

I'm not sure, but you should probably read the July State of the Game. Add to the bans there the following: Chester's Backing, Olcadan's Mentoring, and Lord of the Makai.

knew_b33 said:

is the banned/erata list re-done so that I can also see the full updates?

Try here for the banned list and here for the errata.

thanks everyone for helping me with the updates... but I must wonder, why did Fei Long's Foward Kick get the boot? (no pun) was it because of the Hanzo shenan?

I can't imagine any other reason... I suppose it partially fixed the Dancing Butterfly loops too, but those are Legacy-only :b

-shudder shudder VOMIT-

death is super hot right now. you can pretty much play any symbol and win. (except life). the newest promos are a new ukyo, heel snipe, arrelia's friendship, a new ken.