"Trent Dixon" question

By BrooklynMike, in CoC Rules Discussion

Trent Dixon's card says, among other things that if Trent is the only character you control committed to any story then apply his skill and icons to all stories.

So, the way I"m playing him is as follows: As Active player I commit him to a story, no other characters commit. The other player can only commit to the story Trent is in. I choose to resolve the two stories he is not committed to first, and win the skill struggle (because his skill is applied) and an extra token because he is unopposed (his skill is greater then 1, opponent skill is 0). Thus, I am guaranteed two success tokens on the two stories he is not committed to, and whatever the natural result is for the story he is committed to.

Is this correct? If so, he's and awesome card!

rules are here

and your opponent can commit characters to defend in stories where Trent commits its "ghosts".