RTL Dungeon Level 44: The Ice Tunnels

By PASTORJK2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This dungeon level is from the Tomb of Ice expansion. The card reads:


The encounter marker blocks movement and line of sight.

If the marker is in the following position why would it matter if it blocks movement and line of sight?


Do you think that the author intended you to be able to move? I doubt it, but I wanted to rant just a little on the card details!

Also, Tusk, the Leader, has the Breath ability. Do you play that the attack becomes ranged or magic, or do you keep it as melee? I find it cheap to allow the attack to stay melee eventhough it is clearly a ranged or magic attack (according to all other items and monsters that have the breath ability). But, I am just one man. Maybe I am too nice an overlord. The issue came up because Runewitch had the Elven Robe which gives +3 Armor against Range and Magic. Since Tusk is actually a melee character without the breath, Runewitch would have died because of no armor against melee. I allowed the attack to become ranged, and she was able to port back to town. What do you guys think?

Key for the above.

W - wall

E - empty space

M - encounter marker

The encounter marker could block line of sight in some cases, despite being in the corner, for instance between a hero at X and a monster at O.


As for the attack type, in the absence of a rule that changes it, it would still be Melee. Though I admit that is thematically broken.

JGorst said:

The encounter marker could block line of sight in some cases, despite being in the corner, for instance between a hero at X and a monster at O.


As for the attack type, in the absence of a rule that changes it, it would still be Melee. Though I admit that is thematically broken.

No more broken than flaming hellhound breath being ranged, the same as an arrow.

For melee breath, I could see the monster hitting the ground and causing fissures / shockwaves/ falling debris from the ceiling to hit the heroes.