So anymore news on Wandering Master?

By Just Doin' Work, in UFS General Discussion

I'm interested in that and Singles, but I will probably drop out of both if they run on the same day as Naruto. I know Singles is on the day before Naruto and the cuts is on the day OF Naruto, which I know I won't make, but will play to kill time since I'm there and all, but I am really interested in Wandering. Is that Day one? or has nothing offical been released for it?

Also very interested, since I don't play anything but 5 Point Shuriken cards now.

Wandering Master is offiically day 1.

Day 1 is going to be a very packed schedule then. Both teams and legacy are on that day and now wandering master?

Here is the write up on Wandering Master from the Gencon Website:

Event Details

Game Code: TCG0901137

Gaming Group/Company: Fantasy Flight Games

Title: Wandering Master UFS Welcome Event

Description: Come hear about the Wandering Master event. This is a 4 day event that takes place only at GenCon which will be ongoing throughout the entire time of the convention. Prove your superior Kung Fu, UFS style of course, and let your name become legend for years to come. Also, join the UFS team as they inform you about all the events in detail for GenCon.

Event Type: TCG - Tradable Card Game

Game System: UFS

Rules Edition: 1st

Minimum Number of Players: 1

Maximum Number of Players: 64

Minimum Age: Teen (13+)

Experience Required: Some (you’ve played once or twice)

Are materials provided?: Yes, materials are provided for this game. You do not need to bring your own.

Start Date & Time: 08/13/2009 10:00:00 AM

Duration: 1 hours

Location: ICC : Hall F : Fantasy Flight HQ

Antigoth said:

Are materials provided?: Yes, materials are provided for this game. You do not need to bring your own.