New Questions about RtL!!!

By zarikaz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi guys,

I started to play RtL yestrady and, after i read all rulebook and after i started an advanced campaign, now i have some terrible doubts!!!

1: How do relics works? How heroes can get relics? In the base game relics are signed on the map... now the daungeons' maps are random!

2: What happen when a heroes' group starts a new level of a daungeon? try to clarify: heroes re-start as a new daungeon or as a new daungeon's area? Is the OL's turn? or heroes' turn? if it's OL's turn the group has lost 1 turn (becouse any hero vanish in the same moment enter teleport and so waste many action he could do)... if it's heroes' turn... obviously...OL has lost 1 turn!

3: What happen when the Group meets a liutenants inside a city? How do we have to build the scenario for the fight?

4: How many gold the Group recives when a hero gets a gold token inside a daungeon? 100 or 400? I try with 400 but i think they are too much: my group came out the first daungeon with more then 2000 gold... we could buy special cards like "the guide" or like boat in the first week!

5: When a hero spends fatigue to add power dice... and he spends more fatigue to evolve these dice in silver or gold dice... Is there the same limit about the number of silver or gold dice that exist for general rules in every specific canpaign's level? (i hope my "english" is enough undersatble)... e.g: if i have enough fatigue... can i spend its to add, before i roll for an attack, 4 gold dice while i'm at silver level of the campaign (limit for silver level is 3 gold dice)?????

I searched this information on rulebook but i couldn't find them!

Thx very much for your help! And I'm sorry again for my bad english!

zarikaz said:

Hi guys,

I started to play RtL yestrady and, after i read all rulebook and after i started an advanced campaign, now i have some terrible doubts!!!

1: How do relics works? How heroes can get relics? In the base game relics are signed on the map... now the daungeons' maps are random!

2: What happen when a heroes' group starts a new level of a daungeon? try to clarify: heroes re-start as a new daungeon or as a new daungeon's area? Is the OL's turn? or heroes' turn? if it's OL's turn the group has lost 1 turn (becouse any hero vanish in the same moment enter teleport and so waste many action he could do)... if it's heroes' turn... obviously...OL has lost 1 turn!

3: What happen when the Group meets a liutenants inside a city? How do we have to build the scenario for the fight?

4: How many gold the Group recives when a hero gets a gold token inside a daungeon? 100 or 400? I try with 400 but i think they are too much: my group came out the first daungeon with more then 2000 gold... we could buy special cards like "the guide" or like boat in the first week!

5: When a hero spends fatigue to add power dice... and he spends more fatigue to evolve these dice in silver or gold dice... Is there the same limit about the number of silver or gold dice that exist for general rules in every specific canpaign's level? (i hope my "english" is enough undersatble)... e.g: if i have enough fatigue... can i spend its to add, before i roll for an attack, 4 gold dice while i'm at silver level of the campaign (limit for silver level is 3 gold dice)?????

I searched this information on rulebook but i couldn't find them!

Thx very much for your help! And I'm sorry again for my bad english!

1) There are no Relics in RtL like there are in normal Descent. Is

2) Its is a new dungeon level . Unless the book indicates it, no dungeon level has separate areas. I think the only ones that do are Legendary dungeons, Rumors, and the OL Keep. The Heroes go through the portal, or one goes through the portal and the rest go to Tamalir, then the level is done and the next one is constructed. The next level is a new level, not a new area. And new levels always start with the Hero's turn.

3) Exactly the same way you would for an Lt encounter that happpens on a trail.

4) 400, and no it is not too much.

5) To the best of my knowledge, if they have enough fatigue to spend, then they can make everything into a gold dice if they want. Of course this would take like 8 fatigue or somewhere around there.

Hey Remy,

Long time no see.

I agree with you on all points. I think it's also a good idea to mention that you can never exceed 5 power dice. Also, the limit referred to in the OP is only on upgrading power dice throughout campaign levels - not during combat.

So you can drink a power potion and fatigue to wail on an ogre with 5 gold dice in the face!

Big Remy said:

1) There are no Relics in RtL like there are in normal Descent. Is

2) Its is a new dungeon level . Unless the book indicates it, no dungeon level has separate areas. I think the only ones that do are Legendary dungeons, Rumors, and the OL Keep. The Heroes go through the portal, or one goes through the portal and the rest go to Tamalir, then the level is done and the next one is constructed. The next level is a new level, not a new area. And new levels always start with the Hero's turn.

3) Exactly the same way you would for an Lt encounter that happpens on a trail.

4) 400, and no it is not too much.

5) To the best of my knowledge, if they have enough fatigue to spend, then they can make everything into a gold dice if they want. Of course this would take like 8 fatigue or somewhere around there.

Remy's answers are pretty much correct, so I'll mostly just add in the rule-book references.

1. There are a few relics in RtL I think, but they are specific to certain maps. One is the reward for the gold level legendary dungeon and I have a feeling there is another one as a reward for a Rumour (possibly from ToI?), but I could well be wrong.

2. RtL pg 17
Dungeon Level Setup
When the heroes enter a new dungeon level, the overlord draws a Dungeon Level card. The card describes the level’s leader and any special rules associated with that level. The number on the card, and its title, refer the overlord to the map and associated minion list in the “Dungeon Levels” section of the Quest Guide at the end of this book (see pages 34–53).
Once the overlord has set up the dungeon level board according to the map, the hero players place their figures on or adjacent to the activated glyph as normal.

As per the stand DJitD, the heroes always go first. Yes, this means that the OL misses a turn (unless he can knockback the last hero through the portal!).
Note also this from the FAQ
Dungeon Levels
The Dungeon Level Setup rules on page 17 are misleading. The Overlord should shuffle his deck and draw a new hand only at the start of the first dungeon level, not every level in a given dungeon.

This part (pg 17 still) indicates that each Level is a (new) Area.
Areas in Dungeons
Normally, an entire dungeon level is revealed as soon as the heroes enter it, even if there are closed doors blocking off parts of it. Only special levels, such as Rumor levels and Overlord’s Keep levels, have multiple areas. If no areas are indicated on a given dungeon level’s map, it has only one area.

3. The same rules apply as when heroes and Lts meet in the wild. Assuming that the active (moving) unit (party or Lt) wishes an encounter, then an encounter area is drawn randomly.
Note this from the FAQ (pg12)
Q: If heroes are attacking a lieutenant in a town, can they "visit" the shops, etc. before encountering the lieutenant or only after battles have resolved?
A: Only after battles have ended.

4. Far from being too much, it is not enough! Training is expensive and critical. Most of the time heroes will find cash their scarcest resource. 2000 is a small amount of cash. You will burn up to double or even triple that much for a single training week (though in bronze level training is often a bit cheaper). For example, dice upgrades can be bought twice in a single training week (and you are wasting the time resource somewhat if you don't double build with dice, which means a party with 2/2/3/3 trait dice in their specialties will want to train 2bl/2bl/1Ag1bl/1Ag1bl at a cost of 4500 cash (+XP) for the week.
Of course, training is often mixed, with A getting a skill, B 2 dice upgrades, C buying potions and D visiting the market or something similar, so it isn;t always quite that expensive.
As an example in gold, my currrent party wants to head for a double training at a secret Master area. I'll need a minimum of 9000 cash, possibly over 10000 depending on what choices I make. And that's at the cheap end because I have no dice upgrades at all so far (Silver start, haven't had opportunity for a single training at all for various reasons), other than whatever freebies I choose as reward for the Silevr Legendary Dungeon.

5. There is no limit on upgrading power dice (with fatigue or power pots). The limit for upgrading per level is on Trait Upgrades, which is a subtly different thing from power dice. Traits are not actually power dice themselves, just the ability to add x power dice of various types to certain attacks.
RtL pg 23
Second, trait upgrades are limited based on the current campaign level. In a Copper campaign, a hero can upgrade a maximum of three of his black dice to silver dice, and may not upgrade silver dice at all. In a Silver campaign...

Corbon said:

Remy's answers are pretty much correct, so I'll mostly just add in the rule-book references.

1. There are a few relics in RtL I think, but they are specific to certain maps. One is the reward for the gold level legendary dungeon and I have a feeling there is another one as a reward for a Rumour (possibly from ToI?), but I could well be wrong.

2. RtL pg 17
Dungeon Level Setup
When the heroes enter a new dungeon level, the overlord draws a Dungeon Level card. The card describes the level’s leader and any special rules associated with that level. The number on the card, and its title, refer the overlord to the map and associated minion list in the “Dungeon Levels” section of the Quest Guide at the end of this book (see pages 34–53).
Once the overlord has set up the dungeon level board according to the map, the hero players place their figures on or adjacent to the activated glyph as normal.

As per the stand DJitD, the heroes always go first. Yes, this means that the OL misses a turn (unless he can knockback the last hero through the portal!).
Note also this from the FAQ
Dungeon Levels
The Dungeon Level Setup rules on page 17 are misleading. The Overlord should shuffle his deck and draw a new hand only at the start of the first dungeon level, not every level in a given dungeon.

This part (pg 17 still) indicates that each Level is a (new) Area.
Areas in Dungeons
Normally, an entire dungeon level is revealed as soon as the heroes enter it, even if there are closed doors blocking off parts of it. Only special levels, such as Rumor levels and Overlord’s Keep levels, have multiple areas. If no areas are indicated on a given dungeon level’s map, it has only one area.

3. The same rules apply as when heroes and Lts meet in the wild. Assuming that the active (moving) unit (party or Lt) wishes an encounter, then an encounter area is drawn randomly.
Note this from the FAQ (pg12)
Q: If heroes are attacking a lieutenant in a town, can they "visit" the shops, etc. before encountering the lieutenant or only after battles have resolved?
A: Only after battles have ended.

4. Far from being too much, it is not enough! Training is expensive and critical. Most of the time heroes will find cash their scarcest resource. 2000 is a small amount of cash. You will burn up to double or even triple that much for a single training week (though in bronze level training is often a bit cheaper). For example, dice upgrades can be bought twice in a single training week (and you are wasting the time resource somewhat if you don't double build with dice, which means a party with 2/2/3/3 trait dice in their specialties will want to train 2bl/2bl/1Ag1bl/1Ag1bl at a cost of 4500 cash (+XP) for the week.
Of course, training is often mixed, with A getting a skill, B 2 dice upgrades, C buying potions and D visiting the market or something similar, so it isn;t always quite that expensive.
As an example in gold, my currrent party wants to head for a double training at a secret Master area. I'll need a minimum of 9000 cash, possibly over 10000 depending on what choices I make. And that's at the cheap end because I have no dice upgrades at all so far (Silver start, haven't had opportunity for a single training at all for various reasons), other than whatever freebies I choose as reward for the Silevr Legendary Dungeon.

5. There is no limit on upgrading power dice (with fatigue or power pots). The limit for upgrading per level is on Trait Upgrades, which is a subtly different thing from power dice. Traits are not actually power dice themselves, just the ability to add x power dice of various types to certain attacks.
RtL pg 23
Second, trait upgrades are limited based on the current campaign level. In a Copper campaign, a hero can upgrade a maximum of three of his black dice to silver dice, and may not upgrade silver dice at all. In a Silver campaign...

Thank you, I was trying to do this with two children hanging on me and was epically failing hence my condensed versions. happy.gif

Thx very much for your answer!