Seattle / north Seattle players

By CloudKicker, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Just wanted to see if there are anyone out there in the Seattle (mainly north Seattle) area who would like to get together some time soon for games of Armada.

I just got my single core set in the mail today and spent a few hours organizing pieces & sleeving up the cards.

I live in the Northgate neighborhood and also spend time down at Card Kingdom in Ballard for Netrunner & Conquest as well. Anyway, I'm dying to play against some people and so lets make it happen!

A group of us play at Heroic Knight Games in Issaquah.

We also go to Mox Boarding house in Bellevue.

Edited by inquisitor_bob

Not the location you're looking for, I'm sure, but I see to Meeples Games in West Seattle has XWing nights (and netrunner, for that matter). They also sell a decent line of FFG products.

I'm totally down for meeting at Card Kingdom. Getting my sets on Friday.

We need to get some kind of community going. All the X-wing people at CK seemed on the fence.

Edited by DarkArk

I would love to play Armada. I go to Card Kingdom all the time. I just don't have my core set yet, because I preordered it with Wave 1...

Issaquah is going to be a little too far for me. As much as I would like to travel, I'm relatively limited with my mode of transportation at the moment.

However, Card Kingdom in Ballard sounds great. Hopefully, we can get an Armada community going and perhaps it will evolve to the point in which Card Kingdom can host FFG sanctioned tourneys, store championships, etc in the future.

Edited by CloudKicker

A group of us play at Heroic Knight Games in Issaquah.

We also go to Mox Boarding house in Bellevue.

I live in Bellingham, but my mom lives in issaquah so I visit a lot. I had no idea there was a game store there. When are good game nights to come down?

Usually Tuesday nights. Sometimes on Saturday/Sunday if you post on the gamestore's facebook page.

The store has only been around for a year.

I tend to play games at Round the Table in Lynnwood. I work in Issaquah though, so if there were games on a Tuesday I could occasionally stop by.

If you have access to I5, Meeples isn't too bad, though traffic can be unpredictable. I've been missing for a few weeks, but try to at least make Wednesday night for x-wing. Not sure if any have picked up armada yet, I haven't been able to get there since receiving the core set.

Just got core set separately as explained in other threads. Would love to play a game.

If you have access to I5, Meeples isn't too bad, though traffic can be unpredictable. I've been missing for a few weeks, but try to at least make Wednesday night for x-wing. Not sure if any have picked up armada yet, I haven't been able to get there since receiving the core set.

There has been some playing Armada on Wednesdays there. Not sure if Armada will have its own separate night.

Just got core set separately as explained in other threads. Would love to play a game.

You want to meet at Card Kingdom on Thursday? That's usually the X-wing night, but I'd told people I'd bring it to do some learning scenarios. Would be fun to give them an exhibition match of sorts.

I'm only gatecrashing here because some Seattle-area people have come down for our X-Wing events. Down in Portland, we have our first tournament scheduled:

It will be on May 3rd at 12:00pm (registration to end at 12:45pm, dice to commence rolling at 1:00pm), and will take place at Guardian Games .

You all are welcome.

I travel between Bellingham and Renton for work alot so depending on time and all that may be able to stop by and play some. So far all my games have been up in Bellingham.

Sorry for not checking this thread. I'm free Sunday for Armada.

Spamming you all again.

in Portland, we're having a second tournament on Saturday, May 9th.

The location will be at Red Castle Games ( 6406 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR 97206 )(links to store/address) and is scheduled for 1pm. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Just got my core set and down for some play at CK or anywhere else but prefer CK as I play MTG, Netrunner and Conquest there.

I'll be down at Card Kingdom this Wednesday (4/29/15) at 3pm to play some live learning tutorials with a buddy and an actual 180pt. match or two afterwards. Hopefully, we can get an Armada community goin' at Card Kingdom as I know that some X-Wing players are either interested and or some are on the fence.

I just got this game over the weekend and would love to have a go at it this week. Anyone in the Capitol Hill Area who would want to meet up for a match?

If you have access to I5, Meeples isn't too bad, though traffic can be unpredictable. I've been missing for a few weeks, but try to at least make Wednesday night for x-wing. Not sure if any have picked up armada yet, I haven't been able to get there since receiving the core set.

There has been some playing Armada on Wednesdays there. Not sure if Armada will have its own separate night.

Right now we're playing Armada on Wednesdays alongside X-Wing, but as soon as Wave 1 hits stores (so by the first week of June, at the latest), I'll be heading up a group that will play Thursday nights, starting around 5:30ish. We're also planning on having a tournament every month, on the second Sunday of that month, also probably starting in June. I'll post the exact dates here when we figure them out, but as of right now, it's looking like Armada nights will start on May 21st (maybe the 14th if we get stuff in), and the first tourney will be on June 14th.

Hey guys, I've got verified dates for Star Wars Armada play at Meeples Games in West Seattle:

Weekly/League Nights: Starting 5/21

- Every Thursday night from 5:30(ish) to close (10PM). Casual play to start, but a league will be started in the near future, with prestige and honor (and prizes) at stake. No date on the league yet, it'll depend on how many players we have to start.

Monthly Tournaments: Starting 6/14

- The second Sunday of every month, starting in the late morning (probably around 11), and running for 3 rounds, hopefully finishing by 6PM (this will be adjusted when Wave 2 comes out). $10 entry fee, tournament kit prizes and/or store credit will be up for grabs.

I'll be the one running both these events, so please feel free to shoot any questions you have my way!

Won't be able to make 5/21 but should be able to the next week.

I'll be there with a friend tomorrow after we get off of work. Does Meeples have Wave 1 in stock?

I'll be there with a friend tomorrow after we get off of work. Does Meeples have Wave 1 in stock?

As of this past weekend they had at least three of everything. They'll likely still have stuff come tomorrow.

Edit: I'm there right now for X-Wing, and it looks like they've got plenty of everything wave 1 still :)

Edited by lloydraphah