Are the neutral armies really viable as mono?

By alexbobspoons, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building


So ive gone through my recent purchase of a huge card collection, well over half the available cards. Im quite surprised at the low number of cards i have for the four neutral races. Admittedly i dont have march of the damned or hidden kingdoms yet. There are so many cards for the other six races though, even without the ulthian exp.

So on a full card collection, are the four neutral races really viable or was making them into playable factions a bit of a gimmik? Are there few enough cards to mean a mono deck is predictable?

Or is it simply that i dont have the right expansions yet and once everything is purchasd ill have a lot more cards?

Id love an undead or lizardmen deck, but love wood elves and skaven too.

Thanks for advice.

I'd say they're pretty viable...although you will need at least the Hidden Kingdoms expansion to really get them there though. You should definitely be able to play each neutral in more than one style, but certainly not as many different types of builds as the 6 original races.

Lizardmen are definitely viable with hidden kingdoms. They can play very fast, but they also have some tough as nails units for late game. Without hidden kingdoms though it would be thought to build a deck for any of those armies.

hey guys, i may be a little late to the party, but i honestly feel that if you own the Hidden kingdoms expansion, then all 4 can make viable decks. i have had a lot of fun with the Undead and skaven, while a buddy of mine really gets down with the skaven and woodelves. i have seen three turn wins with undead and skaven victories that are so overwhelming it almost makes you wanna throw something. with any deck, the more you play it and tweek it, the better the deck eventually will run. I have at least one deck of every race built with some races having multiple decks. to date, my favorite race is still the high elves with the Dragon deck being my total fave but my next pick up, once someone gets tired of being smashed by a free star dragon, is to play my undead deck. its a lot of fun and being able to win once ive emptied my hand and deck is a nice condition to try to meet.

back to your question though. I think as a solo race, the neutral decks will be a little harder to find success with because of the cost to bring units and things into play. No loyalty icons = higher cost in my opinion. in my wood elf deck, I added some Empire to take total advantage of woodelves and the developments they lay.

I hope you read this and are still enjoying Warhammer Invasion. its still a great game. I recently got on BGG and found some of the downloadable files for the single player variant and there is actually "two packs" of fan made cards that I downloaded, printed, and added to my collection.

if youre still playing, let us know. its always nice to hear from invasion players.