Minions Inc.

By mouthymerc, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I've been throwing together stats on various characters and critters. Thought I'd share them for those that would find them useful. Or just for perusing. While i named the thread Minion Inc. it will probably contain NPCs of various types rather than exclusively minions. It is more a personal reference to previous work done in another game.

For instance I have a whole thread dedicated to nemesis NPCs in Bounties to Die For .

Feel free to comment.


My take on stormtroopers in the game as well as some further adaptions.




A couple of critters I adapted for my Escape from Ord Vaxal game.





It always brings a smile to my face when I see people using my apps :D

It always brings a smile to my face when I see people using my apps :D

I recall seeing pictures on Twitter of some of the FFG folks using character sheets from your app. I don't recall who, though.

It always brings a smile to my face when I see people using my apps :D

Thanks for making it. It is a great, if not the best resource for me and my game.

And for those interested, a Yuuzhon Vong Warrior minions stat block.


Nice to see beasts getting some decent upgrades. It's one of the first beast stats I've looked at that says "approach with caution". Also, I'm AFB, but it looks to me like those stormtroopers are upgraded...welcome option if so.

Nice to see beasts getting some decent upgrades. It's one of the first beast stats I've looked at that says "approach with caution". Also, I'm AFB, but it looks to me like those stormtroopers are upgraded...welcome option if so.

Thanks. I just took the regular stormtrooper stats and fleshed out their armour and added a couple of talents and such.

any chance to get the oggdude xml files for these?

A new one I just made up for another thread. Adapted the tusken raiders from the Crate of Krayts adventure in the EotE beta. Added a couple of things just to make them more interesting.

Tusken Raiders


Blackhole is an interesting character (or so i think). More of a behind the scenes type of guy. Well versed in the dark side of the Force and enjoys using fear to get what he wants. Usually only seen in holograms as he is very frail. Would make a good big baddie for some. I used power armour to simulate his life support chamber. This would have been an extremely long stat block had included every upgrade for his Force powers.

Blackhole .xml



My rendition of the Imperial Royal Guards.

  • added the Body Guard talent.
  • upgraded Willpower to match Stormtroopers.
  • fleshed out their armour better.

Imperial Royal Guards


And to continue the guard theme.

Emperor's Shadow Guard



Just awesome mouthy!

A few months ago I used Blackhole char and my player destroyed him. I loved to have in that moment your version.

Awesome, thank you so much :D

Edited by Josep Maria

Just awesome mouthy!

A few months ago I used Blackhole char and my player destroyed him. I loved that moment bout I would like to have you version on that moment.

Awesome, thank you so much :D

I would like to see Doctor Death's stats it would be cool, because i shot off his upper body :D

Need Jawa stats! :D