Headhunting for Game Master for Online Game

By BlkSabbath74, in Dark Heresy

Headhunting for Game Master for Online Game

Hey guys, I am currently seeking 1-2 Game Masters for our online gaming community.


We are looking for a GM for a Rogue Trader game that we would like to start up in the near future. We already have a group, left over from a failed Imperial Navy RPG, and some interested players. The GM could wait until the rulebook comes out or go ahead and start the game. The time table and all other decisions would be entirely up to the GM.


In addition, we have recently had a GM tender his resignation in a game that is just starting. It has 7 active players, and more could be added if the new GM so desired. The group of acolytes have only recently come together, so the new GM could continue the current plot, or branch off on a plot of their own. This would be entirely up to the GM, and their preferences. The game can also be renamed and reconfigured.


We welcome anyone who is interested in running or playing in an online RPG set in the 40K universe, and have a number of games running.

I only ask that anyone interested be willing to commit to posting in their group at least once a week, and to commit to running a game long-term, measured in months or years. We have far too many GMs who come in full of energy, expend that energy within a few weeks, and then disappear.

This is a PBEM/Web based game, and an adventure that might be finished in a single evening may take months to complete. For those who enjoy writing, this is a very rewarding medium of play, allowing great detail, and allowing GMs and players to express thoughts, background, and even off-screen action. However, it DOES require a good bit of dedication as well. GMs must continue to post during the periods of doldrums between their bursts of creative energy to be able to effectively run a game long-term. Slow and steady wins the race.

Anyone interested, or with questions, please email me at;
[email protected]

To be fair, it's difficult getting a GM to run 4 players for months/years. 7 players is coming at it a little high unless they are all highly motivated players who generate their own plot hooks and subplots.

With 7 or more players, you're getting into territory GMing similar to LARPing, where the GM is more or less the arbitrator and doesn't spoonfeed plot, interaction, or scenes to characters unless absolutely necessary.

I'll tell you right now I'm not the man for the job. The instant I have to spoonfeed 7 players is when I stop having fun and don't want to run anymore. Best of luck finding a GM though who can vouch for a comittment years into the future.

I think larger groups simply tend to have more linear adventures - otherwise the game fragments into everyone doing their own thing and going their own way. Back in my early-mid DnD days I was known for running occasional groups of as many as 14 people; but one does need to be very strict when attempting to reign in such a group.

I would love to get involved, but I have health conditions which might prevent me from being as long term as necessary; I haven't even run my own game in two months.

Good news...our Dark Heresy GM has decided to stick it out and give it another try.

However, we'll still be looking for a Rogue Trader GM and to be honest, I have 14 players in my group and could use an assistant GM.

TheFlatline said:

To be fair, it's difficult getting a GM to run 4 players for months/years. 7 players is coming at it a little high unless they are all highly motivated players who generate their own plot hooks and subplots.

With 7 or more players, you're getting into territory GMing similar to LARPing, where the GM is more or less the arbitrator and doesn't spoonfeed plot, interaction, or scenes to characters unless absolutely necessary.

I'll tell you right now I'm not the man for the job. The instant I have to spoonfeed 7 players is when I stop having fun and don't want to run anymore. Best of luck finding a GM though who can vouch for a comittment years into the future.

Tell me about it!!

In the last 5+ years I've gone through well over 20 GMs, and have thus far only found 4 who were up to the task.

It CAN be done, but the GM has to have the grit and determination to see it through, and the patience to plan for a long-term endeavor and pace themselves. It's all about pacing. If you hold yourself to posting once or twice a week, for the whole group, and giving them a couple of days to respond, then when you become busy in real life, you can manage.

However, if you, in your understandable enthusiasm as a new GM, start posting several times a day, and begin to respond to each post individually and within 24 hours, then you are setting yourself up for failure. I have seen it dozens of times.

In terms of PBEM, 7 players really isn't that much. It's alot different from tabletop, and unless a GM realizes that, and adapts, they are going to be in for a hard time.

As far as any LARP-style game, you are going to be in for an epic fail. Any GM who is so lazy as to leave the direction of his game up to the players, in PBEM format, is going to find his game grinding to a halt, most likely at the briefing stage.

Any PBEM-style GM should have a clear story and be ready to push it along. Maintaining the momentum is ALL IMPORTANT, and is the responsibility of the GM.

If this is not your bag, no big deal. PBEM, while an extremely rewarding medium for those who enjoy writing, is absolutely not for everyone.

However, I'm doing my best to let potential GMs know up front what sort of a situation they will be in if they come on board. If it is not for you, I'd prefer not to waste either of our time.

And for the record, in addition to doing the administrative work, I run anywhere from 3-5 games, successfully, with anywhere from 5-15 players, and am able to pace myself so that it doesn't take much of my free time.

Jack of Tears said:

I think larger groups simply tend to have more linear adventures - otherwise the game fragments into everyone doing their own thing and going their own way. Back in my early-mid DnD days I was known for running occasional groups of as many as 14 people; but one does need to be very strict when attempting to reign in such a group.

I would love to get involved, but I have health conditions which might prevent me from being as long term as necessary; I haven't even run my own game in two months.

If you'd be up for it, I could use an assitant GM in one of the games I am running.

That way, you could bow out when or if you needed.

BlkSabbath74 said:

In terms of PBEM, 7 players really isn't that much. It's alot different from tabletop, and unless a GM realizes that, and adapts, they are going to be in for a hard time.

Agreed. I ran a chat room based RP for about half a year, and GM'ed for way more than 7 people. I love written based medium RP. There are certain things you can acheive with it that you can't with other formats. Alas, I am running my own VOIP game right now, and keeping up with that is all the time I have. (And even with that I sometimes cheat by writing up little short scenes to email out between sessions.)

I'm sure once RT actually comes out you'll find someone. Best of luck!