I couldn't find anything in the Shattered Empire rulebook about not being able to choose the Leadership card twice in a row, like the Initiative card. Is this the case? It seems odd if you can just go on choosing it, as you'd obviously be the first to choose each turn...
The 'Leadership' Strategy Card
oldthrashbarg said:
I couldn't find anything in the Shattered Empire rulebook about not being able to choose the Leadership card twice in a row, like the Initiative card. Is this the case? It seems odd if you can just go on choosing it, as you'd obviously be the first to choose each turn...
You can pick Leadership every turn if you want. However, you wouldn't necessarily be the first to choose each turn - the first person to pick is whoever has the Speaker token, and with the Shattered Empire cards, the Speaker token changes hands with the Assembly card (#3). And if the person with the Speaker token takes Assembly for themselves, they cannot choose to keep the Speaker token when they activate Assembly.