Logging Your Games

By Tekwych, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

One way to get better is to log your games. Making a video of every game is not feasible so what kind of logs do you make? Would it just be a journal, a spreadsheet? Do you list which card attacks what for how much? Is it dead wood or digital?

Tell us how you log your games!

I made a spreadsheet for myself only. I am playesting a single deck right now and I have 23 games logged so far.

I list which warlord my opponent was playing, win/lose and what was the victory condition (planet or warlord killed).

What I have in mind is a form that lets me list, in order, every play made and it's consequences. What card did I play at what planet? What was played to counter it? What attack was made and how successful was it. I believe this would help me to track card combos and what cards in my deck are actually coming up when they are needed

Never bothered to do anything like that. Closest we come is an ongoing fluff campaign website that gets modified by any club played games of Warhammer 40K, Conquest, Battlefleet Gothic, Epic or Space Hulk. Been running two years now

What I have in mind is a form that lets me list, in order, every play made and it's consequences. What card did I play at what planet? What was played to counter it? What attack was made and how successful was it. I believe this would help me to track card combos and what cards in my deck are actually coming up when they are needed

While that would be excellent to have, it just sounds like it would take a huge amount of time in order to fully compile. But hey, if you have the time and means - go for it!!! I for one would love to read anything that has that much detail... and I don't even play that often. :)

Edited by Papa Midnight

What I have in mind is a form that lets me list, in order, every play made and it's consequences. What card did I play at what planet? What was played to counter it? What attack was made and how successful was it. I believe this would help me to track card combos and what cards in my deck are actually coming up when they are needed

Very, very detailed and it will prove to be a fantastic tool if you get it working and you can keep it updated as you play. I personally like to reflect after any game I've played (only have a couple of conquest games under my belt thus far) record who won, how they won, which faction/race/colour etc I and my opponent played and try to recall any key moments. I find it's those key moments which can affect how I build a deck or force, did my strong cards come out when I needed them? Did I manage to get combo's off at the right time? If I did then things are looking good, or are they? Did I really need 3 copies of a card if it came up and wasn't as good as I'd hoped even under the "ideal" conditions?

That's how I evolve my lists and record my games, won't work for everyone but there ya go. YMMV as they say.