Thinking about learning...

By Thorak, in UFS General Discussion

Hi, I just found out about this game and I was thinking about learning it.

I was just wondering how the fanbase is around the Atlanta area. I also was wondering how complex this game is and how to get started. Finally, how expensive is this game? I dont want to end up paying $100 for a competitive deck.

Where in Atlanta? or a suburb perhaps? I'm part of what we like to call the "Atlanta crew" though its more accurately the "marietta crew". We have a decent player base; tournaments can have anywhere from 6-10 people, sometimes greater if everyone shows up. We play at Dr. No's Comics and Games every Saturday at 4:00. The game itself is pretty easy to learn if you have previously played a card game before, mainly because you won't have to memorize a whole lot of card lingo like "resolve" and "tap" ect. As for price of the game, it REALLY depends on what kind of deck you want to build. The majority of decks will have some pricey shiny cards, but there are those decks that can be built on a budget, and you would be surprised at how many shiny cards are actually pretty cheap. A good shopper's resource for singles is which is the only online shop that I've seen selling UFS singles; maybe someone else knows a different website. Overall, the unique mechanics of the game and a very honest and fun player base makes this an absolutely fantastic card game to get into.

Im in the Roswell area. I was thinking about trying a deck built around street fighter stuff (balrog, AKA boxer, if he is in the game and playable.) Also, are boosters even worth buying? (im working on a EXTREMELY limited budget until I get my workers liscense in october)

Boosters are a very good way of starting especially if you are starting Balrog as he does not come in a Starter Deck. I have found the best way to play cards with a limited deck is buy boosters and look to other players once you get to a store that plays to help you out filling out your deck from extra cards that they may have. Most people I have found are willing to help out a new player. This is especially true with this game. I have never met a friendlier group of players. Sadly, I'm not in Atlanta but Seattle or I would show you the ropes.

Should I get a starter before I build my card base or...

Boosters are good for buying if you don't really know what you want to play imo. As you already have a bit of a set idea of what you DO want to play, i would buy singles. Lucky for you, there is a current legal balrog. Personally, I've never built balrog, nor do I know if he is exactly competetive, but there are quite a few people who have, so I would go to the deck building forum and ask around to get any advice for interesting tricks or builds and to help you figure out what to buy. This would probably be the best strategy when your on a budget, simply because you know what your buying vs picking out a booster and 2/3rds of it not even matching the symbol you want to build your character off of.

alright, ill ask around

I can personlly attest that the Atlanta crew is a fun and friendly bunch. To bad they live so far away from Austin, TX. Welcome to UFS by the way! happy.gif

So far, I think I may pick it up. It would be nice if I new the link to the rulebook online...

Thorak said:

So far, I think I may pick it up. It would be nice if I new the link to the rulebook online...

If you click on the UFS Main Page, and go to the support Tab, and then scroll past the path of the master video, you will find the two following links:

Starter Rules

Advanced Game Rules

The one concern that I have is the $100 limit on a competitive deck. How competitive are you expecting to be? Are you hoping to spend $25 on a deck and win the Worlds? If so... that's probably an unreasonable expectation.

This page has all you need to know - the normal rules booklet that comes with the game, the much larger comprehensive rulebook, and a neat little flash demo that teaches the game.

Antigoth said:

Thorak said:

So far, I think I may pick it up. It would be nice if I new the link to the rulebook online...

The one concern that I have is the $100 limit on a competitive deck. How competitive are you expecting to be? Are you hoping to spend $25 on a deck and win the Worlds? If so... that's probably an unreasonable expectation.

How much does a worlds-caliber deck cost? Not that I would shoot for worlds for a while...


you don't get to play feline spikes, LotM and chesters backing.

But then, after the bannings, all my decks rarely exceed $50

Thorak said:

Antigoth said:

Thorak said:

So far, I think I may pick it up. It would be nice if I new the link to the rulebook online...

The one concern that I have is the $100 limit on a competitive deck. How competitive are you expecting to be? Are you hoping to spend $25 on a deck and win the Worlds? If so... that's probably an unreasonable expectation.

How much does a worlds-caliber deck cost? Not that I would shoot for worlds for a while...

that also depends on the symbol you want to run.....the way its been for a while is that evil decks can cost upwards of 200-300 bucks easy while tourney caliber fire and good decks might not even exceed 100. It all depends on how creative you can be with the cards that you have

Theres a R. MIka deck thats wrecking havoc on our local meta and im sure that it doesnt cost anywhere near 100 and maybe not even 50

Good to know... What cards are worth running in a good deck?

Thorak said:

Good to know... What cards are worth running in a good deck? will tell you all you need 2 know about deck construction.

Also, while the current Balrog's aren't top tier, they're extremely fun. He's got some great support in terms of his attacks/foundations as well.

thats what the game is all about, fun, and winning

Might stop by today...don't's been a looooooonnnngggg time. SO i prolly won't play