Armada in Columbus, Ohio

By Quadro28, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Just wondering if there is anyone playing this in Cbus. Myself and two others are getting involved and would like to find some others.


I am in Buckeye Nation as well.

Great! Send me a message if you ever want to play. I live on the south end, but frequent the Guardtower.

I will be running Armada organized play events at the Guardtower. The OP events will likely occur quarterly. I'm also considering running monthly events to keep the games on a regular schedule, if players are interested. Postings and schedule will be made available at the store as soon as the OP materials are received. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

I am off work today: any up for a game at Guard Tower or Packrat Comics?

Sweet. I live on the north end and frequent the Guardtower as well. When are the tournament kits supposed to arrive?

Haven't gotten an ETA on the tournament kits yet, though I suspect it won't be long after Wave 1 is released.

I'm planning on meeting a friend at the Guardtower for a game of Armada on Saturday morning. Wouldn't mind seeing other Armada players around.

Please post any tourney dates in this thread. Columbus is a bit of drive but doable.

Any news on events in Columbus? I would love to see a tournament first hand and test my rebels out properly.

Spring 2015 Tournament

Casual Tier

Monday, June 29, 2015; 6:30pm

The GuardTower

3600 Trabue Road

Columbus, OH 43204

Details and signup at store, available beginning tomorrow.

Spring 2015 Tournament

Casual Tier

Monday, June 29, 2015; 6:30pm

The GuardTower

3600 Trabue Road

Columbus, OH 43204

Details and signup at store, available beginning tomorrow.

Sweet. Was planning on stopping in there today anyways.

Does the Columbus Armada community have a Facebook page?

Does the Columbus Armada community have a Facebook page?

Not that I am aware of.

I know it's a bit last minute but I just wanted to let you all know in case you missed it. But Ravenstone Games on Karl Rd. is holding a weekly Star Wars game night on Tuesdays from 6-10.
Full info here

Does the Columbus Armada community have a Facebook page?

There is the Star Wars: Armada Ohio Facebook group.

And yes Ravenstone Games is holding Armada every Tuesday, and Saturday. You can also get games in at The Soldiery on Thursday nights.

Any word on a Massing at Sullust event in Columbus?

Edited by Commander Kahlain

I hope someone runs it! I plan to try and be there. I don't think we will know who can run it until after they hear from FFG. Give it at least a week.

Well I have at least 2 here that'll join in. Looking forward to this!

Has anyone called any stores in town to ask if they can sign up? If not, I will tomorrow morning.

Edited by Quadro28

This event is confirmed for the GuardTower.

The Massing at Sullust

Competitive Tier

Sunday, October 4, 2015; 11:00am

The GuardTower

3600 Trabue Road

Columbus, OH 43204

Details and signup at store, available beginning tomorrow. I will provide a number of playmats for the tournament, though players are encouraged to bring their own, in case of a large turnout. Feel free to message me with any questions. I look forward to seeing everyone!

Is there a cap on the number of entrants? I can't really swing by the store to signup and wouldn't want to make the considerable drive if there is chance there won't be room.

What will the entry fee be?

There is no cap, though participation support is limited to the top 15 players. Entry fee is purchase of any one Armada expansion pack, though you need not use it in your fleet build.

There is no cap, though participation support is limited to the top 15 players. Entry fee is purchase of any one Armada expansion pack, though you need not use it in your fleet build.

Thanks for the info. I hope I can make it.

Is this event still scheduled? Are there still open spots expected to be open spots?