Hyperspace assault on 1 ship, 4+ fighter fleets

By jjayers99, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hyperspace assault- second player sets aside a small or medium ship and up to three squadrons to be deployed later.

If in a 180 point game, a VSD with 4+ TIEs take this objective, there's no legal way to deploy the remaining fighters.

How should this be handled? Are remaining fighters destroyed? Are the fighters just deployed without a capital ship? Or should this objective card be an invalid selection in this case?

Good catch!

Obviously, FFG had 300+ point games in mind when they play tested this card.

I'll go one further. Hyperspace assault, you are the 2nd player with a VSD and 3 TIEs. Each round you choose not to deploy and instead move the objective token. Round 6 ends. You and your opponent have the same score, i.e., zero. According to the Rules Reference, at tie game goes to the 2nd player. ;)

Edited by TheWanderingMiller


Good catch but it does seem like its only an issue in small games.

Good catch but it does seem like its only an issue in small games.

unless there is some way to REALLY stack your ship

Good catch but it does seem like its only an issue in small games.

unless there is some way to REALLY stack your ship

I don't think it would be super useful, but there's no obligation to use all 180/300/400 points. In fact a severe underbid will guarantee that one of your objectives are picked.

Is it possible to stack your 1 capital ship and 3 fighters well enough and can you find 2 other objectives that would suffice in a 1 ship build just incase.