[LoR] Reclamation

By Indalecio, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

OK so it looks like FFG blackmailed me after I submitted a question about loopholes and infinite turns - which I wrote much passionately mind you - , since my latest rules questions over the last two weeks have been unanswered so far, so I´ll ask the community instead.

In Reclamation each hero starts with a Talismans of Protection. The quest says that the talisman gives them one additional shield WHEN ROLLING DEFENSE DICES.

My question is, does that apply to attribute tests.

Thematically it doesn't make any sense, but by RAW attribute tests should be included? The text doesn't say "defense rolls" either. Defense dices are rolled when performing an attribute test.

To me that's a big deal :)

I´m seriously wondering how come nobody ever noticed this (or reported it), couldn't find any valid input on the web about this one.

Thanks by advance

In the base game rules, on page 15, it says:

"Remember, cards or abilities that reference defense dice do not apply to attribute tests unless specifically noted."

So, no, the Talismans don't affect attribute tests :)

I would argue that when rolling them for attribute tests, they're not "defense dice" - they're "attribute test dice", which happen to be the same ones you roll when rolling for defense.

Sigma's got the rule. It is the same reason you can't use the shield of the dark god like the lucky charm.